Page 67 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“I just…I just held it in last night. I was scared shit when I heard the engines cut out, and we were just drifting. The captain looked scared when I went to the cockpit. He and the copilot were trying everything. I almost fell apart when I heard the engine finally catch. But I couldn’t do that in front of these people. I’m the head of a corporation. I’m not supposed to get hysterical.”

“I told you before that it’s alright to be human. You’re not stone. You can show emotion.”

He pulls me onto his lap and squeezes me tight until he gets it all out. Gradually, his body stops shaking, and I kiss his neck, telling him that I’m here for him.

“You’re the only one, Emma. No one understands the pressure that I’m under. I can’t show any cracks in the façade.”

“I’m the only one what?”

“The only one that has seen me like this.”

“You don’t act this way with your family?”

“Absolutely not. They wouldn’t understand. Robert is so proud of me that I wouldn’t want to disappoint him.”

“By showing emotion? That’s crazy.”

“It’s how it works in business. That’s why I told you I needed you. I was on edge since last night. I tried to put it behind me, but it’s still fresh.”

“It happened less than twenty-four hours ago. Give it some time. I’m here for you.

“I have to be truthful; it’s not just what happened last night, it’s everything. It’s all catching up to me. I feel everyone’s eyes upon me.”

My strong, confident man has turned into a little boy, letting his fears get the best of him.

“How long have you felt this way?”

“It’s not all the time. It’s on and off. Sometimes I feel like I can conquer the world and others I feel like a disappointment.”

“Jordan, look at everything that you’ve accomplished and in such a short time. How many men achieve what you have in their entire lifetimes? Not many. Stop doubting yourself. You’re successful, intelligent, kind, and you rock in bed.”

“Oh yeah? I rock in bed? Tell me how?”

“Trust me, you do. I’ve never had orgasms the way you give them.”


I look at him with narrowed eyes, and he bursts out laughing. Thank God, I was able to break him from his melancholy. I don’t like to see him upset.


“I’ll have to remember that for our future sexual encounters.”

I rise from his lap and take his hand so we can finish washing each other. There is nothing sexual about it as he slowly washes my body, and I finish off his. It’s just sweet and intimate. We dry each other with the thick, fluffy white towels, and he sits me down in the bedroom to comb my damp hair straight. After he’s done, he goes to get us some wine so we can relax before we go to bed.

The evening is warm, and the sky is clear so you can see the stars and perfect half-moon. I stand gazing up with my nose practically pressed against the glass of the sliding doors in Jordan’s bedroom. I’m so engrossed that I don’t hear him come in the bedroom until he presses his lips against my neck.

“Want to sit outside for a little while? It’s a really nice evening.”

I nod, and he flicks the lights on to the patio.

“No, shut them. I want to sip wine in the dark and look up at the sky.”

He shuts them and slides the door open with one hand while holding the bottle of crisp, chilled white wine and glasses in the other. We sit on the double lounger, and he pours a drink for himself and me. I sip to taste the fruity and delicious wine. I’m still concerned about his well being as we look up at the sky.

“Jordan, are you going to be okay?”

“I’m fine. I just needed to get it out. I’ve had a few things that I’ve been dealing with, and that was just the icing on the cake. I appreciate you comforting me.”

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