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“You’re wearing this?”

“Yes. Too small?”

“Nope, not at all. You’re going to look fucking sexy. I’ll have to ask security to keep an eye on you.”

I scowl. “Please don’t. I can take care of myself.”

Nate frowns at me. I know he worries that I’ll get into a situation I can’t handle.

“I won’t say anything, but I have a bird’s eye view from my booth. I’ll be watching you. Come say hello when you get there.”

“I promise I will. Let’s get your hair done.”

He hands me a jar of pomade and sits down on the bed. I put a bit on my fingers and run it through his hair, pulling it up into a thick spike. I’m between his legs, and he leans into my breasts.

I push away. “Hey, nose out of there.”

“You smell good. If I didn’t think it would ruin the friendship, I’d fuck you myself.”

“Well, thanks for the offer, but I think I would rather not see you naked.”

Nathaniel laughs because we’ve seen each other naked more times than I could count. I’m not sure I could handle the size of his cock anyway. He’s enormous without being hard; God knows how big he gets when he is. He must make women he sleeps with sore.

I finish styling his hair, and he stands to look in the mirror, giving a few of his wisps a shaping until he likes what he sees.

“You’re a master. I should pay you for your services.”

“When you’re rich and famous, remember that in your interviews.”

“I can only hope, baby girl. I’ll see you later. I put you on the list with a plus-two in case you want to bring someone else.”

“Thanks, but it will just be Angie and me.”

“Suit yourself,” He bends down to kiss me on the cheek and exits my room, leaving the lingering scent of his cologne.

It’s after seven, and I hunt around the refrigerator for something to eat. I’m not sure I should stuff myself, but I don’t want to drink on an empty stomach. Usually, we get free drinks when Nathaniel puts us on the list, which is good because sometimes a vodka cranberry can run almost twenty bucks. I like mine with Absolut so they can get expensive.

I settle on three-day-old steamed dumplings Nathaniel and I ate sitting on the floor and watching reruns of seventies shows. We always order way too much food, so there are plenty of leftovers to choose from. Neither of us are good cooks. My last foray into cooking had the fire department at our door. I burned a roast beef, and it smoked up the entire apartment.

Now if we want to have dinner together, it’s usually sandwiches or take out. Maybe that’s my problem, I can’t cook, and guys want a wife who cooks. Megan and Lexi are excellent cooks, but I can’t even boil water without making a disaster. My cell buzzed with an incoming text from Angie.

Are we all set for tonight?

I told you we were. Meet me at the club at 10:30 unless you want to come here first.

Could I? I’d rather bring some stuff to your place rather than borrow clothes.

It’s early, so you have time. When will you be here?

Just have to pack. Should be there by 9:00.

See you then.

I should change my sheets since it’s been almost a week, and Angie is going to share my queen-sized bed. She slept over so much during the winter that she practically became a roommate. The weather was so bad it was easier to travel to the city from my apartment rather than Jersey. I quickly change the sheets, give a swipe of the bathroom, put out fresh bath towels, and plop on the couch for an hour.

Chapter 2

At 8:00, I take a shower and work on my hair, nails, and makeup before Angie comes. I can dress just before we leave. It’s warm out for the first week of June, and I’m looking forward to the summer. I hate winter and have mentioned that I’d love to move to Florida.

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