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Nathaniel has horrible memories of his home, so he always talks me out of moving south. I entertain the idea but would never go because my entire family is here except for a couple of decrepit aunts who live in Miami.

Angie is right on time and rings the bell at the main door. We only have buzzers to let visitors inside. One of these days, I’d like to live in an apartment like Megan and Lexi, who have doormen. But unless I hit the lottery or marry rich, I’m stuck with doing it yourself doors.

I buzz Angie in and open the door to wait for her to come up in the elevator. When she comes out, she’s dressed in a short light blue dress that shows off her olive skin. Her long sleek black hair is combed straight, and her face has minimal makeup. She doesn’t need much with her looks.

“Hey, Emma! I’m excited for tonight.”

“We should have a great time,” I take her bag from her hand and lead her to my bedroom.

“What are you wearing?”

I pick the dress off the bed, and Angie whistles, “That’s beautiful. I hope you don’t mind attention tonight because you’re going to get plenty.”

“As long as it’s the good kind.”

Angie is different from me. She’s dated a lot and has had several boyfriends, her last being a few months ago. We’ve talked about my lack of sexual activity, and she can’t understand why I just don’t go for it. But it’s hard to explain. I don’t want to be hurt again.

I get undressed and slip on my dress. It fits me perfectly, falling over my soft curves.

“Damn girl, your tits look great in that. I wish mine were so perfect.”

“Ya think?”

“Look in the mirror. I think you’re going to have to fight guys off tonight.”

“I just want to have a few drinks and dance.”

“If you could get a few numbers, that wouldn’t be bad either.”

“We’ll see.”

An hour later, we’re stepping out of an Uber in front of Haze. The line stretches around the corner, and several security guards are walking around with a list selecting people. We walk up to the guy at the door who resembles a gorilla in build and Stallone in the face. He asks our names and scrolls through the list with a pen.

“Okay, go in. Tell the hostess in the front that you’re in the VIP section.”

I smile at him, and he opens the door for us. The music hits us the minute we walk in, a pounding bass, and I crane my neck to find Nathaniel, but there are too many people in the way. A woman with teased up black hair, bright red nails, and a dress that looks like black rubber takes us over to a roped-off area where tables marked with reserve cards. She seats us and tells us that a waitress will be by to take our order.

“What are you having?” I scream to Angie.

“Jack and Coke. I guess you’ll get your usual of Cranberry and Vodka?”


We wait for the server to come by and place our orders. Several of the tables are empty in the VIP section, but they all have reserve cards on them. After we get out drinks, we sip at them, waiting for our chance to hit the dance floor. Nathaniel is really hitting all the right music tonight, and the crowd grows.

“We should go out on the floor,” I yell.

“What about our drinks?”

She’s right. Leaving unattended drinks is not the smartest idea.

“Fuck it. We can order new ones when we get back. I want to dance.”

We work our way out to the floor. A security guy in a black t-shirt and jacket opens a velvet rope to let us out. We find our own piece of real estate and begin to sway and shimmy to the music. I can see several men looking at us, but I pay no attention. Soon a few join us. I’m not paying attention until I feel hands on my back, and I wheel around almost knocking Angie down. I’m about to slap the offender, but I see its Hunter with his fiancée, Rory, in tow.

“You scared the fuck out of me!” I scream.

“Sorry. I thought you saw me. That is some dress you’re wearing.”

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