Page 53 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“Did you get along?”

“We did, but sometimes he got on my nerves. Nicky was very spoiled. I often wondered what it was like to have whatever you want. My father wasn’t a rich man, but he worked hard to support us. We had few luxuries, but I understood even at a young age.”

“You’re making up for it now.”

“Don’t you think I deserve it? I work for what I have,” he snaps.

“Jordan, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“I just want you to understand why I work hard. I never want to be without.”

“I do understand. I don’t want help from anyone either. I want to support myself.”

“It’s simply not supporting myself. It’s being able to do what I want when I want. I enjoy my lifestyle.”

It seemed that from Jordan’s tone, he was itching to start an argument. I decide to disengage from the conversation and head to the bathroom before we landed.

When I got home, the apartment was clean and filled with the fragrance of roses. I thought that Jordan sent me flowers the day before as a surprise for my homecoming, but the card attached was from Nathaniel.

I’m sorry, baby girl. I love you more than you know. I’m going to miss you while I’m gone. I’ll be in England for the next few days and try to call you at a decent hour. Don’t let Jordan wear you out too much.

Love you,


Tears formed in my eyes. I loved Nathaniel so much. He always cares about my well being and protected me. He was my rock and the person that I must trust to talk me in off the ledge when I needed it. He could make me see that things weren’t so bad. I was going to miss him during his time away. I was happy that it would only be a couple of months. At least when he was in the Hamptons, I could visit him.

I unpacked the suitcases of the clothing that Jordan had gotten for me. I thought of our last conversation. It was a heated argument about me staying with him tonight and maybe flying to Dallas for a few days. I had told him no, I didn’t want to be kept. I had a job and couldn’t just drop it. He had said he would talk to Nicky, and that was the last straw.

So I have plenty to be upset about. For the last five minutes of the drive, I crossed my arms and looked out the window, ignoring Jordan. When he tried to kiss me, I pulled away. Albert brought my bags in the lobby for me while Jordan brooded in the car.

I get busy preparing for tomorrow. I’m sure I’m going to hear it from Angie when I get into work. She’s probably angry that I disappeared without telling anyone where I went. I’m sure she’ll want to know all the details of my trip to Vancouver. But I’m not sure if I want to reveal my relationship with Jordan before I figure out what it is. He confuses me with mixed signals.

I feel like he wants a companion rather than a girlfriend. I don’t want to be a companion, I want a relationship with him, but it has to be fifty-fifty, not just what he wants.

Monday, I’m in a shitty mood. I haven’t heard from Jordan, I had to stand on the subway, and I left my travel mug sitting on the kitchen counter. Now I’m on my way to Nicky’s office. I wonder what he wants; it’s not even 9:00. I knock on his door, and he tells me to enter.

“Emma, how was your weekend?”

“Fine. Why do you ask?”

“You spent it with Jordan, didn’t you?”

“Nicky, does this meeting have anything to do with work, or are you just trying to pry into my personal life?”

“I guess you didn’t listen to my warning. Jordan has his agenda.”

“Jordan has been nothing but nice to me.”

“I bet he has. Let me tell you about my brother’s playbook. He whisks you away on some spur of the moment trip, buys you some designer clothing, and tells you that you’re under his skin? Am I right?”

My stomach starts to clench with nausea. How the fuck could Nicky possibly know that Jordan did that unless he’s done it for other women?

“That’s not how it happened,” I say weakly.

“Emma, I’m just telling you to watch out for Jordan.”

“Funny, he told me the same thing about you.”

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