Page 52 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“I can’t say that this is my first time for that.”

Chapter 9

I’m watching Jordan sleep in my lap, much the reverse of what we did when we went to Vancouver. One of his manicured hands is entwined with mine. We’re coming home from the best weekend of my life.

We spent most of the rest of our time in Vancouver, in bed. I’m sore but not sated. I can’t get enough of Jordan Grayson. He’s gotten under my skin, too. I’m disappointed that in a couple of hours, we’ll be separated. I need to go home and take care of preparations for work tomorrow, and he has an early breakfast meeting at the ungodly hour of six. Who has a breakfast meeting at six in the morning? I guess Jordan does.

I’m going to miss sharing his bed, his space, his generosity, and, most of all, him. After only a week, I’m thinking about the long term. He already mentioned me meeting his mother at a garden party at her home in Connecticut. It means that I’ll come face to face with Nicky outside of work. Even though she and Jordan’s stepfather are divorced, they remain good friends. I’m debating if I should go or not.

I stare down at him, ruffling his thick blonde hair with my fingers. His eyes flutter open, and he smiles up at me.

“What are you doing, doll?”

“Playing with your hair. It’s so soft.”

“Not as soft as yours. I can’t convince you to stay with me tonight?”

“No. Jordan, I need to go home and take care of things. I’ve been away since Friday, and Nathaniel is gone. He left this morning,” I feel a pang of sadness when I mention Nate. We haven’t spoken face to face since we had our argument. But at least we reconciled on the phone.

“You could take care of things at your apartment; then I can have Albert pick you up later.”

“No. You’re just going to have to sleep alone tonight.”

He sits up, “I’m not sure when we’re going to be able to spend time together this week. I have a heavy schedule, and I need to go to Dallas on Tuesday afternoon.”

The prospect of being away from Jordan all week is not something I want to deal with, but its reality. I have a job, and he has a company to run. We need to live our lives separately as well as together.

“We have the phone and Skype.”

“That doesn’t make up for you not being in my arms.”

“Get used to it, Mr. Master of Industry. I don’t like it any more than you do. What about next weekend?”

“I need to check my schedule with James, my assistant. Things come up all the time, though. If I have to travel, would you come with me?”

“Is this going to become a constant thing?”

“Not normally. I don’t always travel on the weekends. It’s just that I have several deals going on that require my attention.”

“Don’t you pay people to take care of those things for you?”

“I do, and my staff is quite capable, but I didn’t get where I am by letting others handle my business. I need to be aware of all the goings-on. CEOs that don’t pay attention get in trouble financially.”

“But, your company is solid.”

“It is because I pay attention to every aspect. My heads report to me every week. I have trouble relinquishing control. I’m driven, something I learned from my stepfather.”

“Jordan, what happened to your father?”

“He died when I was eight. He had a car accident coming home from work one night. I was sitting in the yard waiting for him to play catch with me, and two policemen came to the house to talk to my mother. I’ll never forget that day.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you. It was a long time ago. Robert came into our lives a couple of years later. They married when I was eleven. It was tough going there for those two years. My mother worked two jobs, and I was left alone a lot. After she married, she quit her jobs, and Robert moved us into his home.”

“Did you live with Nicky?”

“Nicky was at the house on the weekends. He lived with his mother.”

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