Page 28 of Overwhelmed By Love

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We stare at each other, and the only thing that breaks us free is the ringing of the phone in the kitchen.

“Dinner. Let me get that.”

He exits the room, and my stomach is doing flip flops. How can this man want me? Look at how he lives? He dates Hollywood stars. Jordan can have anyone he wants, why me? I head to the kitchen just as a man in a waiter’s uniform is bringing a cart with two silver domed trays towards the oversized granite island.

He places the trays on the counter and takes the cart as he leaves. Once he’s gone, Jordan gestures for me to sit at the counter, and when I do, he pulls off the top of the dome. A perfect cheeseburger on a brioche roll sits on a warmed plate along with homemade French fries. His tray has the same. The smell is incredible.

“Dig in. They make these with Wagyu beef.”

I pick up the burger and sniff it before I take a small bite. Jordan is watching me with amusement. The taste is fantastic. The meat practically melts in my mouth, and I softly moan. I look at Jordan, and his eyes have darkened.

“I love to see you enjoying.”

“Thank you, but how can I not? This is so good.”

He stops watching me so he can eat his burger. Ceramic cups hold made from scratch ketchup to dip the fries in. It’s so good that I’m never going to look at store-bought again.

“I forgot to get you a drink. What would you like?”


Jordan get’s up and opens the refrigerator. Inside it’s as neat and organized as I’ve ever seen a refrigerator. One shelf alone holds bottles of Perrier and Evian water. Another has several kinds of beer and another, assorted juices and sports drinks.

“A beer?”

I wrinkle my nose because I hate beer and shake my head. He pulls out a bottle of Heineken and hands me one of Evian.

“You don’t like beer?”

“No, never had a taste for it. I prefer mixed drinks or wine.”

“Do you drink much?”

“No. I try to keep it to a minimum because I’m such a lightweight.”

“I normally don’t drink beer, but Hilde, my maid, keeps it stocked when I have company.”

“Do you have much company?”

“I have no time for company except family. My mother comes to visit. Even though she is divorced from my stepfather, they still have a good rapport. They make better friends than lovers.”

I wonder if he’ll make time for me. I want to ask, but I guess my question has been answered since I’m here with him. The food is so good that we finish in silence. After Jordan covers the trays, he calls the concierge. In a minute, the same waiter arrives to take them away.

“It’s getting late. I should call Albert and have him take you home.”

“I guess you’re right. It’s almost nine. I have work tomorrow.”

“Or you could stay here tonight.”

That’s an interesting proposition though it would be an issue since I have no clothes here.

“I have nothing to wear for tomorrow. I don’t relish getting up at the crack of dawn to go home.”

“Just give me your sizes. I can have my personal buyer at Saks select some things for you, and Albert can pick them up.”

“I don’t…I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.”

“Emma, I’m not pressuring you. You make your own decision. I can have Albert take you home, and we can do this another time. I just thought it would be easier for you to stay here.”

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