Page 19 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“He dated several stars, why would he want me?”

“Do we have to do the mirror thing again? Those women couldn’t hold a candle to you.”

“I’m just some lowly associate editor. He can have anyone he wants.”

“I’m exhausted. I need to get some sleep before we have this conversation.”

“Alone again?”

“I fucked the same brunette in the bathroom. I’m good until tonight.”

I slap my forehead, “Get out of my room. I’m going back to sleep.”

“Goodnight. I’ll see you in six or seven hours.”

Nate kisses my forehead and takes his phone out of my hand. After he closes the door, I try to get back to sleep, but I can’t think about Jordan and who he dated. I type his name into my phone and start scrolling through the articles.

He’s had a lot of business dealings, and I find an article about how he got started in business and open it. As I read, I begin to feel nauseous. Not because of how his business got started but from whom he got the funds. His father, or rather stepfather, is Robert Scarborough, the very man that owns the company I work for. The worst part is that his stepbrother is my asshole boss, Nicky.

This is my fault. Why didn’t I do some research on Jordan when he told me his last name? Women do that, don’t they? I had all day, and instead of due diligence, I flipped through channels and let my brain turn to mush. For all I know, he could go home and call Nicky to tell him about this hot piece of ass he fooled around with. How humiliating to have that get around the office.

I slam my phone down on the nightstand, so angry at myself. Here we go again with my stupidity about men. I want to scream, but for the sake of not waking Nate, I don’t. Instead, I get up and take a shower. When I finish and pull the curtain back, Nate is peeing. I cover my breasts and grab my towel.

“Goddammit Nathaniel, can’t you wait until I finish.”

“I drank too many beers. It was either this or pee in the kitchen sink.”

“The last thing I want to see is your penis starring me in the face.”

“It’s not like you haven’t seen it before. Come on, take a good look at the monster. Why are you covering yourself? It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked a million times.”

“Just because. Now tuck your buddy in your underwear and let me finish drying myself.”

“Suit yourself. I’m going back to bed.”

Just for good measure, he turns around and pulls his boxers down before he exits the bathroom. Seriously, I feel sorry for the women he fucks. His cock is big and thick. I have no idea how they accommodate him.

I dry myself and realize I should have mentioned the shit to Nate that I read about Jordan. I can’t date him, and I don’t know how to tell him the reason why. I’ll have to make something up rather than tell him that I despise his stepbrother and work for his stepfather’s company.

It’s only 6:15 when I get into my room. I want to call Jordan, but once again, I forgot to get his fucking number. I’ve been such a scatterbrain the past few days. Well, I have nothing to do but read or mess around on the internet. I decide to read because if I start on my laptop, I’ll look for more articles about Jordan. It doesn’t matter because it’s over before it got started.

Chapter 4

By noon I’m halfway through one of those crappy romance novels I picked up at Duane Reade. It’s dirty and makes me horny. I’m also hungry, and I remember the ton of Thai food we have in the refrigerator. I head into the kitchen and almost bump into Nathaniel, who’s exiting his room.

“Good morning, sunshine,” I say.

“It’s noon, so it’s not morning anymore.”

“Thank you, grumpy. What’s the matter? Didn’t you sleep well?”

“I slept fine. My mouth feels like a desert. I need a drink.”

I hand him a bottle of water and take out several containers of Thai food. We sit down at the little table and begin to eat.

“I can’t date, Jordan.”

“Why the fuck not? He seems like a good guy.”

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