Page 120 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“Goodnight, Nathaniel.”

“Goodnight, baby girl.”

I sleep with his arms around me all night, waking with the sun streaming through the window. The small bedside clock reads 11:51 AM.

“Nate, wake up.”

“What’s up?” he says sleepily.

“It’s almost noon.”

“I don’t have to be at the club for soundcheck until seven. Are you coming with me tonight?”

“I could, or I could stay here.”

“I want you to come with me.”

“Okay, I’ll go. Tomorrow I have off. We can spend the entire night just lazing around, hanging out on the beach, and maybe having a few drinks.”

“That’s awesome. We haven’t spent the day together in a long time.”

Watching Nate work is a treat. He doesn’t give himself credit, but I know that he deserves all the praise that people give him. The music he plays and the mixes he puts together really keep the club moving. It doesn’t surprise me that this club has booked him for all of July and is trying to get him to change his commitment from the other club for August. Things are beginning to happen.

Jordan has texted me multiple times, but rather than torture myself, I’ve deleted them before I read one word. I need the wound on my heart to start healing. Hearing his voice and reading his words will just tear the scab off over and over. I’m sure he went to my apartment several times and might even have asked Nicky if he knew where I was.

I drink way too much since Nate is paying. By the time we get out of the club, I’m drunk, and he practically has to carry me in and out of the car that his housemate uses. He undresses me down to my bra and panties and slips me into bed, putting a pot next to it in case I have to throw up. Fortunately, I don’t, but I have a ripper of a hangover the next day. Aspirin and several Gatorades later, I’m ready for the beach. I slip on a bikini that Nate surveys when I come out of the bathroom.

“Damn, girl, you can break some hearts in that.”

I look down. Not bad for someone that doesn’t work out much. My stomach is taut, and my legs and arms, slim. I haven’t been eating much this week, so I probably lost a few pounds. I smile at him, and he throws me a towel.

Even though the sting of Jordan is still there, I push it to the back of my brain and enjoy the day. Nate is home tonight, so we can do whatever. I’d like to walk on the beach and maybe sit listening to the waves as they hit the shore. Several of his housemates are also off, and we have a barbecue on the large deck facing the ocean.

Later that night, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, Nate takes me out to the beach, and we walk in the moonlight, hand in hand. He brought a blanket with him and spreads it out on the sand so we can lie down and look at the stars. I’ve had a couple of drinks and Nate a few beers. We talk, and I can see him hanging on every word.

“Lie next to me.”

I do, placing my head on his chest to listen to his beating heart. He gently rolls me over and hovers above. His lips meet mine, and his tongue tenderly pushes against my lips, asking for entry. I open, and it caresses my own. I softly moan, not realizing that this is Nate. My best friend. He kneads my breast with his hand, rubbing my nipple through the cotton of my t-shirt.

“Emma, I want you.”

I place my hand on his chest, pushing him away.

“Nate, what is this? What are you doing?”

“I’ve always wanted you.”

I climb through the alcohol that was dulling my senses, “No. How? Since when?”

“Since forever. Since I’ve known you.”

I’m angry that he would choose this time to make his feelings known. My break up is so new. I sit up and glare at him.

“You had all this time in between, and you wait until now? You wait until I’m vulnerable and hurting? Why, Nate?”

“I wasn’t good enough for you. Things are happening now. I have money to take care of you.”

“Your money wouldn’t matter to me.”

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