Page 110 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“Katherine. She told me that you would dump me after you fucked me out of your system.”

“And you listened to her? You know it’s not true. She’s just jealous.”

“But I can’t help thinking that this might be what I have to deal with. Jealous exes, reporters sniffing around wondering why the millionaire is with the nobody.”

“I told you to stop saying that. It’s not true. I don’t care what they say. It’s our life together.”

“But I do care. I’m not like you, Jordan. You’ve been dealing with this for years already. It’s all new to me. I’m not sure I can stomach it.”

“So what do you want to do? Break up?”

“Maybe we should just end it. We’ve only been together for a month.”

“I don’t want that, and I know you don’t either. We can weather this together. Don’t let some jealous bitch ruin our weekend. I broke up with her because she was too much of a handful. Always wanting things. It was a few years ago, which is why I never mentioned it to you.”

He pulls me against his chest and hugs me. I bury my face in his shirt, breathing in the scents of Jordan. I don’t want to leave him. After only a month, my emotions are tied to him. A break up would shred my heart that would take months if not years to recover from.

For the rest of the weekend, I avoid Katherine, not wanting to get into another catfight. I know it’s a bitchy thing to think, but she deserves Nicky cheating on her. I spend a lot of time with Gwen, and I know that I’ve made a friend for life, too bad that she lives in San Francisco.

On the limo ride back on Sunday night, Jordan holds me in his arms while we doze. I’m a bit sunburned, and it knocks me out, that and we had several hours of sex with no sleep replacement. Tonight I’m going to sleep like a baby. Jordan has to leave for California on Monday, which means that I’ll be spending the July Fourth holiday with my family. He’s taking Sam and Gwen back on his plane then heading to LA for a few meetings.

“Doll, are you sleeping over tonight?”

“Jordan, I need to get home. I called Nathaniel a dozen times, and he never answered my texts or voicemails. I think he’s upset because I was gone the entire weekend.”

“Emma, what is he going to do when we get married? He can’t live with you forever.”

“I know, but it’s so close to the shit in London, and he had a few nightmares last week.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but I want to spend time with you, too.”

“I promise when you get back from LA, we will. I need to have a talk with him and let him know how serious this is with us.”

“Emma, you need to make him understand that you have a boyfriend now. I understand he’s your best friend, and I never want to get in the middle of your relationship, but there has to be a balance.”

“I know. You’re my priority. I love you, Jordan.”

“I love you, too. Remember that when you talk to Nate.”

“I will, I do.”

“That’s what I eventually hope to hear from you up at the altar.”

“Oh God, this again? Jordan, you need to give me time. Pressuring me is will not make me say yes any quicker.”

“I’m not pressuring you. I just want you to know it’s our future.”

“And I hope I can give that to you, but give me space about it.”

“I’ll try, but I want you to be mine.”

“Whether we have that piece of paper or not, I’m committed. I wish I could offer you more right now, but I can’t.”

“I can accept that. For now.”

His hold on me gets tighter, and I put my head against his shoulder. I fall asleep, and when he wakes me, it’s dark.

“Wake up, doll. We’re at your apartment.”

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