Page 109 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“I think so. We can discuss this when we are fully awake and caffeinated.”


He reaches over me and clicks out the light, then snuggles into bed and pulls me against him. I’m tired but more awake than I let on. Jordan dropped a bombshell on me, and long after he falls asleep, my eyes are wide open. What would it be like to be the wife of a man like Jordan?

I know I would never have to want for anything. He would take care of me financially and emotionally. I keep going over the pros and cons of being married to Jordan until the dawn starts seeping into the landscape. I don’t know what my answer will be.

Chapter 18

The garden party is lovely. Everyone dresses in summer colors, and a never-ending parade of food and drinks continues well into the evening. I avoid Nicky except when he first entered the house. His fiancée, Katherine, is a real piece of work. Nothing is good enough for her, and she spends most of the day in the air conditioning of the house. I almost feel sorry for Nicky.

In the early evening, I head inside to use the bathroom, and she approaches me.

“I see someone finally got their hooks into Jordan.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re just his type, petite, blonde, innocent.”

I don’t know what to say, and I narrow my eyes at her as she twists a strand of her long golden hair around her finger.

“You don’t know me. Jordan isn’t that superficial to only see looks.”

“You might think that, but he is. He’ll bang you out of his system, and within a few weeks, he’ll be done with you.”

Nicky cheating on her is at the tip of my tongue, but I promised not to say anything.

“And what type of woman should he be with? You?”

“I already had him. Other than his money, which I don’t need, he doesn’t offer much to a relationship. I’m glad I got out when I did.”

“Thanks for the tip, but I’m doing fine on my own.”

Katherine scowls and fixes her dark eyes on me, “Mark my words, by fall, you’ll be old news. He’ll find another pussy to pass the time with.”

I’m about to scratch her eyes out when Gwen comes in to distract me.

“There you are. Jordan wants to take a walk on the beach.”

“I have to use the bathroom,” I say, my voice strained.

“Well, come on then,” she grabs me by the arm and pulls me towards the downstairs bath. I’m close to tears, but I won’t let Katherine see them until I’m away from her. As soon as we are safely inside the confines of the marble bathroom, Gwen asks me what happened. I tell her, and her eyes grow wide.

“She’s such a jealous bitch. She couldn’t get Jordan, so she got the next best thing only Nicky is nowhere near Jordan.”

“I’m not sure if I’m cut out for this. I feel like I need to always explain why he’s with me. He needs someone strong.”

“You are strong. Don’t listen to idiots like Katherine. They’re haters.”

I use the bathroom and wash my hands while Gwen waits outside. This is just another reason why I need to know Jordan better before I commit to marrying him. I didn’t even know he dated Katherine.

I shoot daggers at the back of Katherine’s head as we head outside to go for a walk on the beach. Jordan holds my hand tightly as we stroll along.

“Doll, is something wrong? You haven’t said anything since we got out here.”


“Now I know something is up. What happened? You were fine until you came out of the house.”

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