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“Then what happened?” I’m probably stupid for asking, but a part of me is desperate to understand why he’d left me hanging.

“I had a family emergency,” he says. “I don’t know if you’re aware, but my family is in France, so I had to travel quickly.”

“Last I checked people in France can call people in New York. Thanks to this thing called technology.”

Alec runs a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. “Do you trust me?” He grabs my hand, but I jerk away from his touch.

“Trust you?” I cackle. “Alec, please, get out of here and never show your face again.”

“I cannot do that,” he says softly. “If I could, I would. Trust me. But I can’t.”

I turn away from him, ready to bolt up the stairs and lock him out, but his following words stop me. “Jasmine, I love you.”

“What?” I whirl, shock reverberating through my system. I storm forward and hit his chest. “How dare you!”


“How dare you!” I push him again, tears stinging my eyes. Ana was right. Alec is a fuck boy. They will tell you exactly what you want to hear to keep you as a willing captive in their trap. Somehow, Alec knew that I was in love with him and decided that confessing the same to me would keep me hooked. The truth is, it worked, and that’s what hurt the most. Hearing Alec say he loves me is one of the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard in the twenty-five years of my life.

“Jasmine, listen to me.” Alec grabs both my fists in his hands and yanks me into his body. He then smooths the hair out of my face and looks straight into my eyes. “I don’t blame you for thinking this is a joke,” he says. “It’s shocking to me, too. I didn’t plan to fall in love with you.”


“I’ve liked you since I set my eyes on you for the first time, and since then, I’ve tried to keep my feelings at bay and not explore them, but I failed. Jasmine, I have fallen in love with you, and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“Then why were you away for two weeks?” I cry, struggling to escape his hold. Instead, his arms tighten affectionately around my body. “Two weeks! You disappeared without a trace.”

“I called you last night because I finally got the chance to,” he says. “Please, Jasmine, I need you to trust me. Please. I promise that when the time is right, I will explain this to you in full detail. For now, I need you to trust me.”

I shake my head, but there's no more fight left in me. “What if you leave again?” I ask. “How can I be happy knowing I can wake up one day, and you’ll be gone?”

“I promise with all my heart that I’ll never leave that way again,” he begs. “I’m a man of my word, Jas. No matter how urgent the emergency is, I’ll always tell you before I travel.”

I look into his eyes and try to search my heart for any clue that Alec will hurt me. There’s none. He stares back at me intensely, and in one moment, the fragile bubble explodes, and we throw ourselves at each other. Alec wraps his arms around me, his head swooping down to capture my lips. I lean into his arms, enjoying the strength of his body and how hot he is for me.

His mouth travels down my neck, softly nibbling and kissing until I’m a wet mess. I cannot believe that only a few minutes ago, I was upset with him. It’s incredible how much control Alec has over my body, and the surprising fact is I like it.

“I want to take you somewhere,” Alec whispers in my ear before licking the shell, causing goosebumps to erect on my skin. “Go and get dressed. Wear something casual.”

“What?” I pout when he pulls away from me. “How can you kiss me like that and then pull away?” I frown at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

“Don’t worry, we have all night.” He reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ears. “But for now, I want to take you on a date and apologize thoroughly for the two weeks of silence. Then, I’ll make it up to you.”

I stare at him for a moment. “Alec, promise me you’ll not leave me like that again. If that’s going to happen, then please walk away.”

We stare silently at each other for a second until Alec closes the distance between us and kisses my forehead. “Jasmine, it won’t happen again. Now get dressed. I can’t wait to get you out of here.”

Chapter ten


“Good morning, ma beauté,” I say as soon as Jasmine takes the call. “How are you?”

“I’m fine, Alec,” she said, giggling. “You are so romantic. Imagine being woken up with a good morning call.”

I laugh. “I’d like to see you today.”

“Aren’t you tired of seeing me?” she teases. “We spent the entire day together yesterday.”

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