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“But that wasn’t the plan,” Ana insists. “The plan was for you to meet someone else and, if possible, get yourself a new boyfriend.”

I burst into laughter. “If it's that easy to get a new boyfriend, why are you single?”

Ana sucks in a breath. “Wow. I cannot believe that you will try to turn this against me,” she says. “All I tried to do was help you!”

I laugh again. “You walked into that one, Ana.”

“But I exchanged numbers with a hottie,” she says. “You should see him; he’s so sexy.”

“So that’s your new boyfriend?” I’m excited for Ana to move on from her crush on Riley.

“He hasn’t asked me out yet,” she groans. “But I’m sure he will. He’s attracted to me. I know it.”

Alec’s call tainted my time at the club. Before then, I’d been unsure what I wanted to do. Of course, I knew I wasn’t down to have sex, but I wanted to unwind, dance, and meet as many guys as were interested in meeting me. After Alec’s call, I was plunged back into the abyss, even deeper than before.

I’d gone to the club completely dejected and disorganized, unfit to interact or socialize with anyone. The only thing I did was stuff myself with alcohol so much that I was throwing up in the bathroom by the end of the night. It’s been over ten hours since our stint at the club, and I’m happy that, at least, one of us had fun.

“So, what’s this unlucky guy’s name?” I ask Ana. “Because he doesn’t know what’s about to hit him.”

“His name is Boris,” she says. “But trust me, he’s finer than his name.”

“Ana?” I sit up. “Did you already have sex with this guy?” After Ana brought me home last night and set me up in bed, she went back, but I don’t know if she returned home or back to the club.


“Ana! You whore!”

She burst into unbridled laughter, and I join her. “What the heck! I cannot believe you.”

“Well, you should,” she says, still laughing. “It’s been a while since I got any action, so of course, I gave in to his charm.”

“The night was supposed to be about me,” I remind her.

“But you went ahead and got yourself so drunk you couldn’t even sit upright.”

“Then you should have called it a night, not go and have sex with a handsome stranger from the club.”

Ana scoffs. “You messed up the night, and I decided to pick it up from there. Anyway, you’ll meet Boris soon. That’s if the bastard calls me this morning.”

“He left last night?”

“After the sex, I put him out,” she says. “He could be a serial killer; who knows?”

“And you figured that out after the sex?” I shake my head. “How convenient!”

The doorbell rings, and I walk toward it, pulling the door open. I was ready to see Riley standing on the other side, but nothing prepared me for the sight of the man standing outside, his face marred with worry and trepidation.


At first, my heart jumps in excitement, and it takes all the dregs of my control not to jump into his arms and confess my undying love. He looks as handsome as ever, especially in a white dress shirt and black pants. However, I realize this man had left me without a word for two weeks, only to call me with an excuse last night. I step back and swing the door shut, but Alec stops it by stubbing a foot in the space before it slams against the lock.

“Hey, Jasmine.” He grabs the door and steps into the house. “Please, don’t do this.”

“Ana, let me call you back,” I say, hanging up the phone.

“What are you doing here, Alec?”

“Jasmine, please,” he begs, his eyes genuinely sorry. “You don’t understand. I didn’t deliberately stay away from you. I could never do that.”

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