Page 67 of When We Were Us

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Ty smiled back, a warmth in his eyes. "I’d like that. Talk to you soon."

As he left, I felt a glimmer of hope amid the chaos. Maybe, just maybe, things could get better.

Chapter 15

"I want you to fuck me," I whispered, my voice husky with desire.

Ty pulled back abruptly, his eyes widening as he searched my face. A flicker of conflict passed over his features before he shook his head and moved away, putting distance between us. The sudden absence of his warmth left me feeling cold and rejected.

We had just finished lunch at the Iron Horse and returned to the penthouse to talk. In Ty, I felt a kinship that made me forget, if only for a moment, about the husband who had betrayed me. The kiss we shared ignited something within me, a raging fire of desire that threatened to consume us both.

Ty ran a hand through his hair, his voice strained as he spoke. "No. I was stupid. We shouldn't even be kissing. You're married."

I took a step towards him, desperation coloring my tone. "But I won't be soon enough."

He held up a hand, stopping me in my tracks. "Oliver could come out of the coma at any time. I don't want you using me for revenge."

"It's not revenge," I insisted, my heart pounding. "I like you. It's over with Oliver."

Ty's expression softened slightly, but he stood his ground. "He had his reasons for keeping that information from you."

Anger flared within me, hot and sudden. "I'm not a fucking child. I could've handled it," I spat, my fists clenching at my sides.

"I can't tell you what his motives were for doing what he did," Ty said softly. "He was protecting you."

I laughed bitterly, the sound harsh in the quiet room. "His brand of protection could've gotten us both killed. Why are you standing up for him? You never liked him."

Ty's brow furrowed. "I never said I didn't like him."

"You weren't very friendly to him after I got engaged," I pointed out, my eyes narrowing.

A faint blush colored Ty's cheeks. "I was jealous. You know I have a thing for you."

I stepped closer, my voice dropping to a seductive whisper. "And I'm offering myself to you."

Ty's resolve seemed to waver for a moment before he shook his head firmly. "Not like this. When you're free, we can talk."

"I am free," I insisted. "I'll be free soon."

Ty's expression turned serious. "You don't know that. I didn't want to tell you this at lunch, but I found out the information you wanted."

My heart skipped a beat. "About his daughter?"

Ty nodded solemnly. "Lara Harvin miscarried in her fifth month. They couldn't save the baby, and she almost lost her life."

The news hit me like a punch in the gut. "Holy shit," I breathed, suddenly feeling unsteady on my feet.

"That could be the reason why Oliver didn't want to tell you," Ty suggested gently. "It's painful."

I glanced at my watch, desperate for an escape from the sudden onslaught of emotions. "I need to stop by the hospital. They expect me in the afternoons on the weekend. I have to keep playing the part of the concerned wife even though I don't give a shit."

Ty's eyes filled with sympathy. "I wish things were different for you."

"Me too," I murmured, suddenly feeling exhausted. "I didn't ask for any of this."

"Do you want me to wait for you?" Ty offered. "We could take a cab together."

I nodded, grateful for his support despite the awkwardness between us. "Yes. Let me get a sweater. The hospital still has the air conditioner on."

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