Page 133 of When We Were Us

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I leaned forward, hope blossoming in my chest. "When?"

"Wednesday," Oliver replied, his fingers intertwining with mine. "By then the cameras should be in good working order and security briefed on the area."

A practical thought occurred to me. "What about furniture?"

Oliver's grin widened. "All taken care of."

I arched an eyebrow, a mix of amusement and exasperation in my voice. "So, I get no input at all?"

Oliver's expression softened, his voice gentle as he asked, "Would you trust me?"

I exhaled loudly, a rueful smile playing on my lips. "I have no choice."

"I promise you'll love it," Oliver said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Looking into his eyes, I felt the last of my reservations melt away. "I trust you," I whispered.

Oliver bent down, closing the distance between us. His lips met mine in a soft, tender kiss that sent warmth spreading through my body. As we parted, I realized my heart had finally returned to its normal rhythm, the remnants of my horrible dream fading away.

Chapter 30

“Should we stop and say hello to my parents?” I asked.

We were on our way to our new lake house. Oliver had checked and rechecked to make sure everything was in place as far as security. Our home was gated with a black iron fence that surrounded our property.

The only way in or out without having to scale the nine-foot fence would be to come by water. It would also be impossible without detection since cameras faced our beach and dock. I had been to Lake Oscawana many times when I was a child. I had friends who lived in Putnam Valley who invited me to swim.

"On the way back or maybe they can join us for lunch," I suggested, my mind already racing with possibilities.

Oliver nodded thoughtfully, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on my arm. "I think we can arrange that," he mused, "though they might be upset we didn't tell them about our new home."

A slight smile played on my lips. "I doubt it will be an issue," I countered. "Just offer them use of the house in Southampton."

Oliver's eyebrows rose, a hint of amusement in his voice. "They don't need to be offered. All they have to do is ask."

In one fluid motion, Oliver pulled me onto his lap, his strong arms encircling my waist. His palm cupped my breast, the heat of his touch sending a shiver down my spine.

I leaned into him, my voice low and teasing. "Oh, does this mean I have to pay you for the new gift you got me?"

Oliver's chuckle rumbled through his chest. "No payment necessary," he murmured, his lips brushing against my ear. "I just love my wife and I want to have her as close to me as possible."

I shifted slightly, acutely aware of the growing sexual tension between us. "It seems like you want me on your lap for other reasons," I breathed, my fingers trailing along his jawline.

Oliver's eyes darkened with desire, his grip on me tightening ever so slightly. The air around us seemed to crackle with electricity, the outside world fading away until it was just the two of us, lost in each other's gaze.

I was referring to the erection I felt pressing against my ass. I swiveled myself on his lap, so I was straddling him. He grinned as I rubbed my pubic bone against his bulge.

Oliver gasped. “Jesus Christ, Ryleigh, you really know how to get a guy going.”

“I didn’t need to get you going. You did that all by yourself,” I said huskily. “We haven’t had sex in three days and I’m dying here.”

He planted a kiss on my neck. “Sweetheart, I told you we can have sex anytime.”

“I feel gross when I have my period,” I whined.

“I appreciated the blowjobs the past few days, but it was unnecessary. I could wait though it’s not easy with you around all the time.”

"I wasn’t around all the time. You went to work, and I sat home with Brenda," I said, frustration tinging my voice.

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