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He steps closer, eyes scanning the room before settling back on me. “You think I’m just here for the money? There’s more at stake than you realize.”

“Oh, please.” I scoff, turning back to adjust a lever on the control panel. “Spare me the melodrama. You only care about expanding your empire. The magic of this ship means nothing to you.”

His expression hardens, but there’s a flicker of something softer in his eyes. “What if I told you that this ship’s magic is exactly why I’m here? There’s a lot you don’t know about me, chief engineer.”

“And why should I believe you?” I glance over my shoulder at him, my eyes searching his face for any hint of sincerity. “You’ve built your career on lies and deception.”

His eyes narrow slightly before he nods. “Fair point, if blunt and not entirely true.” He turns, walking leisurely around the ECR, heading toward the stairs leading to the engines on the deck below. “I’ll look around now.”

I stand tall, moving to join him and catching his gaze. “What would you like to see first?” My head cocks and an utterly false smile spreads across my face. No way this man is going anywhere in my engine room without me. “Lead the way.”

“Understood.” He matches my smile and nods solemnly before leading us down the steps to the lower level for a closer inspection of the machinery.

Jenks grudgingly compliments the setup while questioning its efficiency. “You’ve done well with what you’ve got here.” He straightens up after examining a pressure gauge. “But this equipment is outdated. It’s no wonder you’re having malfunctions.”

Resentment flares up inside me at his implication. “This equipment is top-notch.” My eyes narrow and I cross my arms, giving him a snap response. “My team and I maintain it meticulously. Whatever’s causing these malfunctions isn’t due to inefficiency.”

“Are you sure about that?” His tone is challenging as he looks at me.

“Absolutely.” My voice is firm as I defend my team and our work. “We’ve poured our hearts into this ship. We know every bolt and circuit better than anyone else.”

Our exchange becomes sharp and biting as we teeter on the edge of argument.

“I’m not here to undermine your expertise.” He takes a physical step back as if sensing he’s pushed too far.

“Good.” My reply is clipped because I’m irritated, but even more because I’m struggling to hide my strong physical attraction to him—his commanding presence in my space is both infuriating and magnetic.

We stand in tense silence for a moment longer before he speaks again.

“You have a formidable setup, Ms. Marin.” His tour complete, we are in my office, adjacent to the ECR, continuing to spar. “I simply wonder how we can improve under... new management.”

God, he’s annoying. And why does he have to smell so good? Focus, Cor! “It’s running at optimal efficiency.” My gaze meets his head-on. “I ensure that personally.”

He steps closer. “And yet, even the best systems can be improved upon.”

I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “Is that what you think? That you waltz in here and make everything better?”

Jenks turns to face me fully now, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s not about making it better; it’s about maximizing potential. Efficiency is key in any operation.”

I clench my fists at my sides, willing myself to stay calm. “Efficiency doesn’t mean better when efficiency comes with cutting corners and sacrificing quality and safety.” My voice is tight, barely concealing the irritation bubbling beneath the surface.

“Or perhaps it means removing inefficiencies and improving overall performance.” Basil’s eyes narrow, his jaw set in a stubborn line. He takes a step closer, invading my personal space.

Heat rises in my cheeks, and I push down my frustration. I won’t give him the satisfaction of the reaction he wants.

His gaze is intense, challenging. The muscles in his neck tighten as he steps too close, egging me on. The air between us crackles, the tension a viable force.

I narrow my eyes, meeting his dead on, refusing to back down. My fingers twitch, itching to grab onto something—anything—to throw at him. The hum of the engines fills my ears, louder and louder, matching the pulse pounding in my ears as we stand locked in this silent battle of wills.

Captain Voss steps into the room, her presence calming but authoritative. “Mr. Jenks.” She addresses him warmly yet firmly. “Here you are. You asked to observe my bridge crew during sail away. The First Officer has begun the pre-sail checklist, and I am on my way there now. Perhaps you would like to accompany me to the bridge now?”

Basil gives one last lingering look around my office and the ECR visible beyond before nodding. “Lead the way.”

As they exit, I exhale a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. Relief washes over me, but it’s fleeting.

Zara hangs up the freshly cleaned tool belt she used earlier, returning it to its place among several on the wall, ready for the next time it’s needed by a crew member. “He’s something else.”

“Yeah. Count yourself lucky you won’t have to sit across a formal dinner table with him every night for the next seven days.”

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