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Ardan looks defeated but doesn’t respond.

Basil and I exchange a glance as Zara’s voice crackles over my comms unit. “We’re clear outside and moving fast.”

“Good.” I switch channels to address everyone else. “Teams Z and H are in transit back to the ship.”

“Cor, it’s shifter central out here. There’s an entire cadre of shifters waiting to come inside and clear out the humans.” I smile hearing the joyful laughter in her voice.

As I watch the security gates lift, leaving the way clear for us to leave, I signal my shifter team to move out, then turn to Ardan one last time.

“I hope to never see your face after this moment, Ardan. But know this. I will be watching. As will every shifter. You are a marked man until the day you die.”

He sneers and I see the wheels spinning as he searches for a way out of the trap we’ve sprung.

“At this moment, our soldiers are waiting to enter. I suggest you put aside your thoughts of trickery and get the hell out while you still can.”

Basil stays close beside me, his focus unwavering despite everything happening around us. “They don’t like you and… accidents happen.”

We turn our back on Ardan and his fleeing security guards to follow our own security team back to the welcoming embrace of the ocean waterways.

As we swim back toward our ship alongside those who came out victorious today, I realize how deeply intertwined our fates have become now: mine with Basil’s... and how our shared mission is far from over.

Chapter Sixteen


Basil Jenks

Stepping onto the upper crew deck of the Mystic Princess, I’m hit by a wave of salty sea air and the warmth of the sun on my skin. The cheers erupt around us, filling the space with a cacophony of relief and triumph. Faces, both familiar and new, beam with joy. It’s a stark contrast to the cold boardrooms I’m used to.

Cordelia’s there ahead of me, standing at the edge of the crowd, her eyes searching for mine. Without thinking, I stride toward her, my arms enveloping her in a tight embrace. For a moment, all the walls I’ve built crumbled. I breathe in her scent—salty, fresh, and distinctly Cordelia. For the first time in my life, I feel truly alive. This is where I belong.

Zara bounds up to us, her laughter infectious. “You should have seen Hal’s face when we pulled it off. Priceless!” Her eyes sparkle with mischief and joy.

Cordelia’s hand finds mine, squeezing gently. “We couldn’t have done it without you, Basil.”

Her words hit me harder than any business deal ever has. I nod, unable to speak for a moment.

Zara claps me on the back. “You’re part of the team now, boss.”

The sound of laughter mixes with the crash of waves against the hull. I glance around at my new comrades—shifters who trusted me despite my reputation. There’s Hal, grinning like a walrus who just found a fresh clam; his grizzled face is softer in this light. And I clearly see the kindness in his eyes.

The sun beats down on us, its warmth seeping into my bones. It’s like an unspoken promise of better days ahead.

“Hell of a team we’ve got here.”

“Damn right.” Zara grins from ear to ear.

We move through the crowd, shaking hands and exchanging stories. I’ve never experienced camaraderie in the cutthroat world of business.

As the celebration continues, Cordelia leans closer to me. “Let’s step aside for a moment.”

The deck is quiet, the crowd’s noise fading as Cordelia and I step away. The cool night air brushes against my skin, carrying the scent of salt and mystery.

We find a secluded spot near the railing, the stars above reflecting in the dark waters below. The laughter and chatter fade into the background as we stand by the railing, looking out at the endless expanse of ocean.

“I want to thank you.” Her voice is soft, carried to my ears by the light sea breeze. “For everything.”

I turn to face her fully, taking in every detail—the way her hair catches the light, the determination in her eyes mixed with a softer vulnerability.

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