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Ardan’s gaze shifts to Basil, his smile fading into something more dangerous. “And Mr. Jenks. The ruthless billionaire playing hero. How quaint.”

The air between us crackles with energy as we face off against Ardan. My mind races, calculating our next move, but there’s no room for hesitation now. I toggle the com, mentally praising Zara’s brilliant mind for creating a com that translates thoughts, and alert the rest of the team.

“Zara. In two minutes exactly. Launch the distraction. Then get the hell out of there. Hal. Report. We are facing down Arden himself.”

“We are cycling through the lock now with all crew. Repeat. All crew. Only your team remains inside.”

“Roger. Teams Z and H, return to the ship. Team C will follow as soon as we get clear.”

“Your experiments end here.” I pick up the conversation, hoping Arden did not notice my distraction. Teams H and Z are not fully in the clear yet. We must keep Arden and his security too busy to realize we have a three-sided assault.

Ardan sneers, taking a step closer. “The power at my fingertips will reshape the world.”

Basil steps forward, his posture aggressive and unyielding. “That power belongs to these waters and its creatures, not you.”

Ardan’s eyes narrow as he assesses Basil’s resolve. “And what makes you think you can stop me?”

“I already have stopped you, Ardan. Checked in with your offices lately?”

For a moment, there’s silence. Then Zara’s distraction kicks in with a bang. Literally. The entire facility shakes as carefully positioned explosives move boulders into places Ardan does not want underwater.

The room erupts into chaos as shifters clash with Ardan’s guards. I focus on keeping Ardan off balance, using every trick and maneuver I know.

“You can’t win.” Ardan words are hollow, a snarl of desperation.

Basil meets his gaze head-on. “We already have stopped you, Ardan. Seriously. Call your headquarters.”

Basil closes in on Ardan from one side while I approach from the other, our movements synchronized and precise.

Together we face down Victor Ardan knowing victory or defeat hinges on these moments.

“We need to finish this now!” Basil growls through gritted teeth. He spots a tablet, and leaving me to hold Ardan, grabs it.

Alarms continue to blare, cutting through the tense silence like a knife. Red lights flash, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Victor Ardan stands in the center of the chamber, his smug expression replaced by one of irritation. “Your little excursion ends here.” He sneers, but there’s a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

I step forward, my voice cold and steady. “You’re wrong, Ardan. This facility is no longer under your control.” I take a breath, grounding myself in the truth I’m about to reveal. “This island is owned by a shifter clan. They’ve claimed this illegally built lab.”

Ardan’s eyes widen slightly before narrowing in suspicion. “You’re bluffing.”

“I’m not. You’ve been tried and found guilty in our court system. Your death sentence is on hold only as long as you agree to never experiment on or interact with shifters again.” My gaze locks onto him, daring him to challenge me.

His face pales, and for the first time, I see real fear there.

Basil steps up beside me, holding out a tablet that displays real-time updates from his team. “And while you’re worrying about your life, your empire is crumbling.”

Ardan snatches the tablet from Basil’s hands and stares at the screen. His expression shifts from confusion to horror as he reads through the data.

Basil’s voice is like steel. “Your assets are being frozen as we speak. Your corporate stronghold is under attack from every angle.”

I see Ardan’s hands tremble slightly as he processes what this means to him.

“Go home, Ardan. Salvage what you can.” Basil suggests in a mocking tone. “Because I won’t stop until you’re ruined financially and behind bars.”

Ardan’s eyes flicker with desperation as he realizes the full extent of his predicament.

A sudden crash from behind us makes me turn sharply. The security systems have activated mechanical barriers, cutting off any potential escape routes.

I turn back to Ardan one last time. “Remember what I said. You cross us; there will be no reprieve. Now, open those gates. We are leaving.”

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