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Cordelia nods, her determination reflecting the captain’s. “We carry the trust of many and must honor the promises we’ve made, Basil.”

It has become obvious to me acquiring this ship is more than a business deal; it comes with a battle for higher stakes. I just wish I knew exactly how much larger the stakes are.

“I will do what I can to keep the Mystic Cruise Line from being acquired by Victor Ardan and help locate your missing crew.”

Captain Voss gives us a firm nod and rises, giving us our cue to leave. “Be careful. Ardan isn’t someone to be underestimated.”

In the corridor, I reach for Cordelia’s arm, my fingers inadvertently brushing against the curve of her hip. A jolt of electricity surges through me, and I struggle to maintain my composure. Our eyes lock, and I’m struck by the raw emotion I see reflected in her gaze. She’s affected too. Her breath catches slightly as we stand frozen in this moment of unspoken tension.

I swallow hard, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand. “You said we need to talk?” The words come out more gruffly than I intended, my voice rough with suppressed desire. I clear my throat to regain control of the situation and my wayward emotions. “Before the captain briefed us, you mentioned something important. What is it?”

My grip on her arm tightens slightly, a mix of urgency and residual attraction making my touch firmer than necessary. I silently curse my lack of restraint, but I can’t let go of her yet. The warmth of her skin beneath my fingers is intoxicating, and I fight the urge to pull her closer.

“Not here.” She pulls out of my grip slightly and slides her arm to grasp my hand as she leads me away.

“My place.”

These are the only words spoken she leads me to her cabin. It’s situated all the way aft, an odd choice for a senior officer, but perhaps it gives her faster access to the ECR than would a cabin all the way forward near the bridge, as are the captain and the rest of the senior staff officers’ cabins.

The location of her cabin, low all the way aft at the back of the ship, affords her a small, secluded deck. The sky stretches out above us, a canvas of stars shimmering against the velvety blackness. I realize I had lost track of time and didn’t realize it is still night. But dawn is not long away. The air is crisp, carrying the faint scent of salt and an occasional waft of windblown misty spray.

“There’s a whole world hidden beneath the waves, Basil.” Her voice is barely above a whisper. “A world that’s now in danger.”

“Tell me about it.” I lean against the railing, encouraging her to continue. My fingers graze the cold metal, grounding me in this surreal moment.

Cordelia steps closer, her eyes reflecting the starlight. “I meant it when I said there are things I can’t tell you. But I can say more than the captain. This ocean is a sanctuary. It holds old magic, power long forgotten elsewhere in this world, but alive here. Victor Ardan intends to exploit this magic for his gain.”

My mind races, piecing together fragments of the bizarre occurrences I’ve experienced since boarding this ship. “Magic. The psychic flashes I’ve been having... they started when I got here.”

She nods, her expression grave. “It’s connected. The magic here is awakening something in you. I don’t know if it’s the ship, the place, or both. But you are seeing or aware of… elements… you should not know about or even suspect.”

A shiver runs down my spine—not from fear but from a strange sense of belonging. “I’ve seen things... visions of you transforming.”

Her gaze softens as she reaches out, placing a hand on mine. Her touch sends a current through me, electric and undeniable. “I wanted to tell you sooner, but I didn’t know how you’d react.”

“I can’t pretend to understand it all. But I want to help.”

Cordelia’s eyes search mine, and for a moment, we’re suspended in time—two souls caught between worlds. Her fingers tighten around mine as if anchoring us both to this reality.

“We need to trust each other.”

“I trust you.” My reply is instant and without hesitation.

Her lips part in surprise before curving into a soft smile. The space between us diminishes as we draw closer, our breaths mingling in the cool night air.

Just as our lips are about to meet, a haunting melody drifts from the ocean below—a song both beautiful and eerie. It weaves through the air like an enchantment, pulling us back from the brink of intimacy.

Cordelia stiffens, her eyes darting toward the source of the sound. “That song... it’s a warning.”

A warning or an invitation?

The song haunts the night air, wrapping itself around my senses like a velvet shroud. I lean against the deck railing, mesmerized by the melody. Cordelia is beside me, her face pale in the moonlight.

“It’s beautiful... and terrifying.” Unable to tear my eyes away from the water below, I ask, “Is this what’s been calling to the crew?”

She nods, her expression grave. “It’s the sirens. Their song lures people to the sea. It’s part of their nature.”

I want to follow that song. Why do I want to follow that song? The thought flits through my mind, insistent and unyielding.

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