Page 77 of The Billionaire

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“Babe, I was only...”

He climbed back on my lap, sunk down on my cock, and shoved his tongue in my mouth. We let the intense feelings wash over us as we fell apart together. I held him in my arms as he clung to me.

“I love you, I love you,” I murmured along his skin at every opportunity, making sure he never had to doubt how I adored him.

When the passion had waned, we got out on weak legs and grabbed towels. Neither of us said anything as we padded back inside, hand in hand. He stood by my side as I locked the doors and turned off the lights, leaving only a single one lit in the kitchen.

I led him up the stairs in comfortable silence as we made the way to our bed, where I’d wrap him in my arms as we fell asleep.

The next morning, we walked around the house, making sure we had everything we needed. Greer looked around the bedroom, evidently looking for something.

“Did you pack our marriage certificate?”

“Yep. It’s in my bag, right on top. Would you rather hang on to it?”

My husband smiled as he zipped up his bag. “Nope, not as long as you have it.”

I nodded. “MariaJose texted to let me know she hand-delivered it to the U.S. Consulate. We should have it in a couple of months.”

“We’ve got the original, so I’m happy with that.”

Greer took one more look around. “I think we’ve got everything. Want to go have some coffee before the car arrives?”

“Yeah,” I said, “sounds good.”

The car arrived to take us to the plane at nine a.m. I carried our bags out to the driver while Greer secured the house and the garage. He stopped and looked up at it, giving me the opportunity to take some photos of him. I could tell we were both a little melancholy over leaving our paradise hideaway, but we’d be back soon.

When he turned around and made his way to the car, I handed my phone to the driver. “Would you take a picture of us?”

“Certainly, Mr. Rowan.”

I wanted a photo of us to remind me of our honeymoon on my desk in the office, and I was sure he might want one too.

“Here you go, sir,” the driver said, handing it back to me.

Climbing into the car, I got settled, then looked at the photos on my camera roll. He’d had taken quite a few candids before we were ready. Looking at them now made me wonder how I’d lived without him for so long, and reminded me what a fool I’d been to be so fucking stubborn.

Greer leaned over and looked at them with me. “Those are great. Can you send me some of them?”

“Sure, baby. I’d be happy to,” I hummed, kissing his cheek.

The ride to the airport passed too quickly for my liking. It was strange how different the world looked this time. The trees were greener, the sky bluer, and my heart happier. I reached for his hand as we leaned toward each other, drawn together like we’d been all those years ago. Lifting it to my mouth, I kissed the top of his hand.

“I love you,” I said, when he met my gaze.

“And I love you, probably more.”

I shook my head. “Not possible.”

We settled back in the leather seats and said our own private goodbyes to our honeymoon. I was such a fucking sap, but I didn’t care anymore. I had him and that’s all I wanted.

When the driver pulled up to the plane on the private landing strip, I let go as we got out and headed to the back to collect our bags.

Greer looked at me as I handed him the hanging bags. “Next time we come down, pack a bag to leave at our house.”

I smiled, unable to speak. I hung my duffle over my shoulder and picked up his LV to carry up the steps.

We’d just stepped inside the plane when Sandra greeted us with a big smile. “Good morning, gentlemen. Did you have a good week?”

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