Page 69 of The Billionaire

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“And this is Nicole Banks,” Katherine interrupted. “She’s a PR representative for the Alliance.”

I turned to shake hands with the redhead, who was noticeably smitten with me. “Nice to meet you, Nicole.”

“Call me, Nickie,” she said, not releasing my hand.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as he approached. I loved how I didn’t have to be looking at him to know he was here.

“Oh my,” Elle chuckled. I turned to find her with wide eyes, appreciating my husband. “Who is he?”

When he walked up next to me, wearing those sexy Aviators, it was all I could do not to jump him right there. My instinct was to step in front of him and throw my arms up. But I didn’t.

“Good afternoon, ladies. How’s the planning coming?” His tone was sickeningly sweet and drew my attention to him, almost making me laugh.

Austin raised his right eyebrow over the rim of his sunglasses, then smirked at me.

“Girls,” Katherine said, “this is Allen Wendleton.”

I heard the slight grumble rise from his chest.

“Nice to meet you ladies, but my name is Austin. Not Allen.”

“Yes, whatever,” Katherine said, waving a dismissive hand.

“Do you play for the Pirates?” the blonde asked, moving closer to him.

“No,” he chuckled. “I own a security firm in Portland.”

“He’s a former SEAL,” I heard myself add. What the fuck was I doing?

Austin must have wondered the same thing because he laughed at me.

My face heated as I pasted on another smile. I pulled away from my sister. “If you’ll excuse me, ladies, I have some things to do.”

But before I could walk away, the redhead touched my arm. “Would you like some company? I’d love to see the rest of the house.”

I looked at Austin, who looked back at me with raised brows. This was ridiculous. And I couldn’t help myself. The only game I liked was football, and I was too fucking old for this. My niece would get over it.

“I’m not sure what my sister here has told you, but I am not looking for companionship this weekend. I already have it. Austin is not my bodyguard, he’s my...”

“Boyfriend,” he interjected, wrapping an arm around me. “I’m Austin Wentworth, Greer’s boyfriend.”

I looked up into his eyes as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. “It’s okay.”

“Good lord,” I heard Katherine mutter under her breath.

I’d had enough of her bullshit, so I turned to her and grabbed her elbow. “Excuse us for a moment.”

“Greer!” she huffed as I walked her inside the house. When we were inside, I closed the sliding glass doors and turned to her, hands on my hips.

“Katherine, I’ve had enough. You are not fucking in charge of my life. I thought I made it clear to you I have no intention of having anything to do with another set up. I am capable of living my life without your interference or permission. So I’m going to ask you as nicely as I can to back the fuck off.”

Her eyes were wide, because I’d never spoken to her like this before. I’d also never realized how annoying she was, but I wasn’t finished.

I looked out at Austin, talking with her friends, then looked at her. “I’m in love with him, and he makes me happy. So just let all this shit go. I’m too old to do this with you.”

“That’s the point. Do you think he’s going to stick around with you when you’re sixty or sixty-five? Those ladies out there are closer to your age.”

“I don’t give a fuck, Katherine. And yes, I do think he’ll stick around. I know he will.”

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