Page 68 of The Billionaire

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“The Sith Lord will,” he deadpanned, “but we can do this for our niece. You’re right. She deserves it.”

I lifted my hand to his dark stubble, where his beard was beginning to grow. “I love you so much. I promise we’ll put them back on as soon as the wedding is over.”

“Like right after the ceremony. We’ll carry them in our pockets.”

I pulled him to me for a kiss that quickly became heated. His hand found my hair as we angled ourselves for the most intimate kiss that would surely lead to sex if we were alone. But as it turns out, we weren’t.

“Woah, Uncle G,” my nephew called. “That’s hot.”

Pulling away from my husband, I looked out the back window to find Fisher staring at us with a goofy grin spread across his face.

“Hello, Fisher,” I called with a smile. “Did you need something?”

“Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but Mom saw you pull in and wanted me to tell you she needs you on the veranda.”

I nodded, then sighed. “Thanks, Fish. Can you give us a minute and tell her I’ll be in soon?”

“Sure thing,” he said, amusement in his tone. “And you can go back to tonsil hockey. I won’t tell.”

I laughed and nodded, then looked over at Austin.

“Nice kid,” he said, turning to look at me as he leaned his head on the headrest.

“He is. He’s a lot like his dad.”

We simply looked at each other for a moment and then reached to remove our wedding bands. Austin placed his in the palm of my hand, and I placed them in the envelope for safekeeping.

“Don’t expect me to be nice about this,” he teased.

I smiled. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

With a sigh, we got out of the car and gathered our bags before heading toward the house, hand in hand. When we entered the foyer, Austin reached for my bag and the envelope. “I’ll take these upstairs and be down in a few minutes.”

I nodded as he kissed me softly. “Hurry back.”

As he climbed the stairs, I went to find my sister.

My sister was not alone, flanked by two other ladies. She jumped up out of the chair and came walking toward me. I would’ve had to have been blind not to notice the two women who smiled at me over my sister’s shoulder.

“There you are!” Katherine called, as I walked across my veranda.

“Here I am.” I pasted on a smile for her benefit. “How’s the planning going?”

“Wonderful,” she said, wrapping her arm through mine. “Come meet my friends.”

“Remember what I said.”

She laughed. “Oh, big brother. You just need to relax and enjoy yourself.”

I snorted. “Where’s Elizabeth? Shouldn’t she be here?”

“Oh, she and Daniel went into town to have lunch.” She tugged me toward the blond and the redhead. “Greer, this is Elle Davenport,” she paused as I smiled at the blonde, then extended my hand to shake. “She’s a VP for The Holcombe Group.”

“Nice to meet you, Elle,” I replied cordially. She could have been the president, and I wouldn’t have cared.

She took my hand and squeezed just enough to send me a message. “It’s nice to meet you, Greer. You have a beautiful place here.”

I pulled my hand back and gave her my media smile. Not the one that Austin elicited from me. “Thank you.”

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