Page 35 of The Billionaire

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When he finally turned and walked away, I admired his muscled body in his lycra compression shorts as I followed him down to the beach.

After stretching, we walked along the shore, careful to avoid the lava rock protruding from the sand.

I looked over at him. “Can I ask you something?”

Greer turned his hazel eyes to me, looking at me warily. “Sure. What do you want to know?”

“Why did you really hire me for this trip?”

“I told you. I needed to train, and it’s not safe to do it alone in the jungle. And I needed a date to ward off Katherine’s romantic aspirations. You won’t be accused of being after my money. You have your own. Probably more than me, actually.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, the international sign he was holding something back.

“Is that the only reason?”

“What do you mean?”

I smiled and looked down at the beach. “Something GQ said made me think you might have had other intentions.”

He snorted. “Like what?”

I stopped walking. Greer turned to face me. “What?”

“He said, and I quote, ‘It didn’t take Greer long to get what he wanted.’ So, my question is, what did you want Greer?”

His eyes fixed on mine. “To get you to talk to me again, and to ask for forgiveness. I know I hurt you, Austin. And I’ve regretted it every day of my life.”

The urge to reach for him was hard to resist. “That night wasn’t about a hookup gone wrong. It was about the connection I thought we both shared. It’s always been more than that for me. I can get a hookup anywhere, but there was only one you.”

Greer stepped closer to me, our chests almost touching. I could see the sincerity in his eyes. “And there’s only ever been you for me.”



There was only one you.

Austin’s words played over and over in my head as I showered before dinner, making me emotional more than once. We had so much to talk about and information to process, but after our conversation on the beach, I felt closer to him than anyone in my life. Even Carter.

As usual, I was hard from being around him for an extended amount of time. Even though I’d never been with a man—or wanted to be with anyone other than him—jerking off felt like cheating for some fucked up reason.

While we hadn’t confessed our undying love, I knew in my heart we both felt the same way. I could see it in the way he looked at me now. How he looked over at me as we ran along the beach, and how he’d held my face between his hands as he informed me that he was in charge now.

That made me smile as I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. And when I was clean, I flipped the water to cold to help me deflate my erection.

After I’d dried off, I wrapped the towel around my waist and stood in front of the mirror. My late-day stubble was kinda sexy, so I dragged a vented brush through my hair and let the humidity do its thing. I’d have a head full of silver waves in no time.

Once I’d dressed in some track pants and a long-sleeved Pirates t-shirt, I padded down the stairs to the kitchen. The smell of grilling meat made my stomach growl.

I headed to the cabinet and turned on the music that would play in the kitchen and out on the veranda. It added a special ambiance to the room.

At the sultry sound of the Latin music, Austin looked up and smiled from where he’d been preparing dinner for us. His hair was still damp from his shower as he moved around my kitchen like he’d been here a thousand times.

“I didn’t know you could cook. Do you already have a beer?”

The smile on his face reached his eyes as he prepared a vinaigrette for the salad he’d made. “No, I waited for you. And yes, I can cook.”

I pulled out two bottles of a local brew from the fridge, twisted off both caps, and moved to stand beside him.

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