Page 33 of The Billionaire

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“I wasn’t kidding,” he said seriously. “It’s going to be obvious if we don’t get a handle on it now, before they all get here.”

I snorted. Yeah, but what happens if I can’t live without you?

What do I do when you walk away and leave me behind?



I threaded my hands through my hair as I leaned on the wall outside the bathroom door.

“What the fuck am I doing?” I muttered to myself. I hated playing games, yet here I was playing one with him.

I was a straight shooter, but when it came to Greer, I was a fucked-up mess. Always had been and, until this was over, always would be. But for me, it would never be over with him. Over the two years I’d been in Portland, I’ve observed the real Greer Rowan. And keeping up this anger and pushing him away was exhausting.

One minute, I hated him, and the next, I loved him. But I wasn’t fooling anyone, especially myself. While I thought I wanted to exact some form of revenge to hurt him like he’d hurt me, the truth was I loved that asshole hiding in the bathroom. And if what he’d said on the plane was true, he still shared those feelings.

So why was I fighting this thing between us? It would be so easy to stop all my bullshit and just fucking love him like I always had. Just the thought of that was euphoric.

I laughed at myself, because that was the moment of clarity I’d been waiting for. I’d been a fool all this time, hanging on to the pain. I’d risked my life for years in the service, but I’d never taken a risk with my heart.

Relief flooded my system as I walked out to the veranda and sat down in a chair, staring out at the ocean. I released the heavy weight that had been sitting on my chest for all these years. I loved him, and fighting with him just turned me on.

Pulling out my phone, I opened my text messages and sent a quick one to GQ.

Me: I’m going to take your advice.

Sending that text confirmed my decision. There was no more wavering back and forth in my mind. Once Greer came out of that bathroom, we were going to mend the friendship we once had.

GQ: Good. Glad to hear it.

GQ: Didn’t take Greer long to get what he wanted from you.

Me: And what exactly was that?

GQ: You to talk to him.

I scowled at his message, then began typing.

Me: You sent me to Central America for a conversation?

GQ: No, of course not

GQ: I sent you hoping you’d get your head out of your ass and talk to Greer.

GQ: It wasn’t going to happen here.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. My phone buzzed again. Evidently, he wasn’t finished.

GQ: If he’s it for you, man, don’t waste any more time.

GQ: You both deserve to be happy if that’s what you want. Why waste all that energy hating him when you could be fucking?

Me: I’m blocking you.

I wouldn’t, and he knew it. But he sent another message with a string of eggplant and squirting emojis. I sent back a middle finger. Even though I wasn’t going to discuss my sex life with him, his crude response still brought a smile to my face.

Before I could put my phone away, the door swung open and Greer walked out, heading toward me. I watched as he strode to where I was seated, his jaw clenched and a steely expression on his handsome face. He looked like he was done taking my shit.

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