Page 15 of The Billionaire

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I followed along as I looked around the restaurant. Before I sat down, my phone buzzed in my pocket, and I pulled it out to find a text.

Eliana: I’ve been jinxed. I have to go in!

I nodded to myself before I replied.

Me: I understand. Next time.

Eliana: Talk soon.

With a sigh, I pocketed my phone. It would appear I was destined to dine alone.

“Good evening, Mr. Rowan.”

I looked up into the brown eyes of my usual server. “Hello, Ryan. How are you?”

He smiled. “Fine, sir. What can I get you and your companion to drink?”

“It’s only going to be me tonight, after all. But I’ll have the Chardonnay.”

“Very good, sir. I’ll be right back.”

“Thank you,” I replied.

When he’d walked away, I glanced around at the patrons dining in pairs, or small groups. A feeling of melancholy washed over me until I recognized the broad shoulders of the man sitting at the bar. It was the part of his body I saw the most, since he spent most of his time walking away from me.

As if he could feel my stare, he turned and looked around until he found me. It wasn’t long before the scowl I enjoyed appeared. I motioned toward the empty chair at my table before he could turn away.

My breathing picked up as I watched the man, twenty-two years my junior, as his chest rose and fell with a deep breath. If I were a betting man, I’d wager his beautiful eyes were filling with fire right this minute.

Glass in hand, he rose from the stool and slowly stalked toward me. I’d played that night so long ago completely wrong, and I’d had fourteen years to figure out why he brought out these feelings in me. Sabrina and I had been divorced for a long time, but I hadn’t met anyone I wanted that type of commitment with again.

I stood from my chair and held out my hand. He looked at me quizzically, then extended his own to shake. His warm, firm grip sent a familiar tingle up my spine.

“Greer,” he gritted out.

“Hello, Austin. Would you like to join me for dinner? We have a lot to discuss.”

He huffed out a breath of annoyance.

My lips tipped up in a knowing smile. “It doesn’t have to be social. Let’s call it a business dinner to prepare for our trip.”

Austin took another deep breath and relented once again. “Fine,” he said, letting go and taking the empty seat.

Nodding, I sat down as his fiery eyes met mine. Behind that scowl and furrowed brow were the eyes of a man who was ready to put me in my place again.

When Ryan returned with my wine, he glanced at Austin. “Would you like your dinner to be served here, sir?”

“Yes, please. Thank you.”

Ryan nodded and looked at me. “Have you decided, sir?”

“Yes. Chicken Piccata, please.”

“Excellent choice, Mr. Rowan.”

I watched as he turned and retreated to the kitchen, leaving us alone. I picked up my wine and took a sip. A hint of green apple and oak hit my tongue, making me moan at the tart aromatic blend.

“Only you would make a production out of drinking a glass of wine.”

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