Page 12 of The Billionaire

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When I was belted into the SUV, I started the engine and turned on the air. I was hot as fuck, even though it was only seventy-five degrees today. Reaching for my phone, I pushed the button to make the call. After two rings, he picked up.

“Hey, asshole. What’s up?”

Michael Coleman, aka Phantom, was one of my best friends. He was a cool-tempered, level-headed Southern gentleman and my former SEAL teammate. Since we’d all moved to Portland, he was made the director of security for Fallen Angel, and fell head over heels in love with their tattooed bassist, Adam Spencer.

“Where are you? Want to get a drink?”

Phantom laughed. “It’s a little early to start drinking, Dare. What’s up?”

I sighed out a heavy breath. “GQ has given me a special assignment that I don’t want.”

“Really? What is it?” He sounded intrigued. I didn’t turn down assignments, and truth be known, I wouldn’t turn this one down either. But fuck, I didn’t want to put myself in this position again.

“Greer Rowan.”

“Oh, fuck,” he muttered. “Yeah, okay. Dreamboat and I are finishing up a workout. I’ll meet you at Alejandro’s for a late lunch. How’s that?”

Releasing a deep, calming breath that was not working, I nodded. “Yeah, that works. Bring that asshole with you.”

Phantom laughed again. “Like I could leave without him.”

I smiled, despite my mood. “See you soon.”

Ending the call, I pulled out and headed downtown to Alejandro’s Bar.

I’d been seated at the bar top table in the back for about ten minutes when Phantom and Dreamboat came in post-workout. They quickly found me as I took another controlled swallow of my beer.

“Hey, man,” Phantom said as he slid onto one of the stools beside me. Dreamboat slid onto the other one with a grin on his face.

“What are you smiling at, asshole?”

“I’m not smiling. This is just my disposition.”

“Uh-huh,” I muttered as one of the bartenders, Ben Williams, approached the table.

“Hey, guys. How are you?” A genuine smile lit up his face, reaching his warm brown eyes.

Phantom held out a hand to shake his. “I think the better question is how is married life?”

Ben bit his bottom lip, and the smile on his face could not be missed. “It’s fantastic. I highly recommend it.”

I grunted and took another swallow of my beer.

“Where’s your husband?” Dreamboat asked.

“In his office, doing payroll.” Turning his attention to Phantom, his expression changed. “How’s Patrick?”

“He’s doing well. Recovery is slow, but he’s getting there.”

I wasn’t going to mention I’d just seen him. I’d just keep my mouth shut.

“That’s good to hear. I know Cole and Adam are relieved.”

Phantom smiled. “Yeah, we all are.”

The smile returned to Ben’s face as he looked at them. “So, what can I get you?”

We ordered burgers and a beer, and when Ben was out of earshot, Phantom looked at me. “What’s the deal with Greer Rowan?”

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