Page 11 of The Linebacker

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Patrick: No you don’t. You already showered after the show. I love the way you smell after a concert.

I smiled. He knew me better than anyone, and that’s why I still couldn’t understand why he kept us in the closet.

Me: Fine. I’ll be there soon.

I pocketed my phone and went to brush my teeth. Excitement thrummed through me at seeing him again.

Picking up my wallet and key card, I walked out and made sure the door was closed behind me.

His room was at the end of the hall, and it surprised me he hadn’t asked for mine. I knew he could get it from Adam if he wanted it.

My pulse hammered in my chest as I approached his door. Before I could knock, the door swung open.

And there he stood.

The love of my life was gazing at me just like I was gazing at him. Until I got a good look at him.

My brows drew together as I walked into his room and stopped in front of him. The door closed as I looked him over, trying to figure out why he was thinner and his lip bruised.

Without thinking, I stepped closer and reached up to cup his face. My thumb swept over his lips. “What happened to you?”

Patrick covered my hand with his and I wanted to break down. I’d missed him so much.

“I punched out Clay Turner in the workout room.”

My eyes went wide, making him laugh. “Why? What happened?”

Patrick leaned against the wall and looked down as he reached for my hand. He told me the story while he laced our fingers together. I knew I shouldn’t let him touch me, but we were both weak when it came to the other.

“At least my fine went to Cooper and Callum.”

“You shouldn’t have been fined at all after what that asshole said to you.”

He shrugged. “Nah, Greer had to. There was no way around it. My gut tells me this isn’t the last we’ll see of Clay Turner.”

The air was heavy between us. Neither of us seemed to know what to say. Until he was the first to speak.

“Cole, it’s been a shitty month. Do you think I could hug you?”

Stepping forward, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wound his arms around me. I leaned against him and rested my chin on his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent. Patrick’s body pressed to mine was what I needed. But it was going to hurt like hell when I had to leave again.

He let out a soft breath and whispered, “Thank you. I feel like I can breathe again now that I’m with you.”

I knew exactly what he was feeling.

“Yeah, me too.”

The rasp of his jaw along mine sent chills all over my body. And when his lips and warm breath found the skin between my neck and shoulder, tears formed in my eyes.

I closed my eyes and tried to memorize the feeling of his arms holding me so tightly. We held on to each other for a little longer before I forced myself to pull away.

“What’s going on with your weight?”

Patrick shrugged and looked at the floor instead of me. “I don’t have much of an appetite these days. I’ll be okay.”

I reached for his hand and led him to the bed. I sat down on the end, and he followed me down.

Lacing my fingers with his, I looked at him. “Pat, you have to eat.”

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