Page 72 of The Billionaire

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But I also know my wife and right now she’s stalling. That’s okay whatever it is that she’s done I’ll just take it out of her later.

The sex has been phenomenal just here lately. After her six-week checkup a few days ago I’ve been in her as often as I looked at her, no change there.

That natural sensuality of hers is even more enhanced since the babies came. I think it’s because giving birth awakened her to her power as a woman, because there’s no way I was ever doing that shit.

Fuck me; I almost ended the fucking doctor and half the hospital staff during her labor. No one warned me that that shit would be so gruesome. If my men hadn’t been out in the waiting room on guard duty I probably would’ve turned bitch and puked my guts out.

She was scared, screaming and crying all at the same time, all the things that were a big no-no. The only time I like my wife to scream is when I’m fucking her so good she forgets there’re other people in the house.

I have security all over the fucking place these days because I’m never sure if one of those fuckers that I’d burned in that sting would ever find out I was involved and seek retribution.

Plus I wanted her to feel safe at all times. And like I said I was fond of taking her down whenever the mood struck, sometimes the bedroom was too far away. But that night her screams had been of a whole other nature.

It’s not easy for a man to watch his woman in that much fucking pain and not be able to stop it. Afterwards when they’d placed the girls in her arms she’d acted like that shit hadn’t just happened while I’d still been fucking traumatized.

“What did you or he do this time baby?” Just then the culprit came through the door into the nursery. He went first to Dana who was asleep in her mother’s arms and kissed her head before coming over to do the same to little Jenna who was nodding off on my shoulder.

He’s a very proud uncle and one of the many people I have to fight to get some time with my kids. He’s grown a good foot in the last year and eats like a linebacker but he’s still a boy with a boy’s heart.

He’s in school and doing well there, curious about every fucking thing under the sun. A son any father would be proud of until he started encouraging my wife in her shit.

“What have you been up to Jason?” He looked back at her and then back to me with a guilty look on his face before answering. Shit. Well at least he’s not in jail or dead so whatever it is I can probably handle it.

I walked over to the crib to put my little girl down for her nap. “This one’s asleep. Okay give it to me straight.” I eyeballed both of them while standing in the middle of the room. “Uh you know that car all the way at the end?” I held the bridge of my nose as I waited for it.

“What did you do to myAtalante boy?” Please tell me he hasn’t found a way to fuck up an eight million dollar car.

“What’s the big deal it doesn’t even run? But uh, I think I might’ve done something to it.” He held up his hands and stepped backward away from me and out of the room. “You I’ll deal with later.”

I pointed at my wife as I headed out the door for the garage to see what the fuck the kid had done to my other baby. A man has to have his toys, mine just happen to come in the shape of classic cars.

This particular beauty was built in nineteen thirty-seven and was one of only a handful made at the time. Yes it didn’t run anymore but so what? It’s a thing of beauty.

I found him sitting in the driver’s seat with a stupid look on his face. “I wonder how upset she’ll be if I kill your ass?” He grinned and I gave it some serious thought until I heard the engine start up. What the fuck? I walked over as he hopped out.

“I fixed your piece of crap.” I looked at him and then at the car in amazement. There’s no way he could’ve fixed the shit; the dealer said they didn’t even carry those parts anymore, hadn’t since the fifties or some shit. “What do you mean you fixed it, how?”

“Well I went on line and looked up the old manual, I found the engine on there and just took it apart and worked backwards.”

“What do you mean worked backwards?

“Well I had to figure out what made it work in the first place so I could see what stopped working.” I didn’t understand fuck that he was saying but that didn’t stop me feeling like a proud father. “Ash wants to drive it.”

“Uh I don’t think you can just take this baby out on the road they have laws for that shit, I’ll have to look it up. Besides she has a car, or three what does she want with my baby?”

“You do know your wife is stuck in the last century right, this is just her type of crap.” He’s right there, she does have some archaic views on certain things. Then again that makes my life easier in some ways.

“I don’t think it’ll run fast enough to be road worthy.” I walked around the car running my hands over it. The kid had shined it up too.

“Uh about that, I kinda did a little tinkering with it, it can go zero to eighty in a sec.”

“Get the fuck out.” Now I want to drive the shit. “Wait a minute, no way, uhuh. This some new scheme you two come up with?” My wife as I’ve said before has no fear. She goes at life like there’s no tomorrow, which is what I always thought I wanted until she got behind the wheel of a car.

These days I always know when she leaves the house because her detail calls me at least three times in two hours when they’ve lost her or more like she’s lost them. According to them she likes to play chicken, speeding in and out of traffic to lose them.

Except when she’s taking the kids somewhere, then I don’t get any complaints. The first time I saw her in action I’d taken her by surprise. She’d been driving home from shopping just a few days ago and I’d taken the afternoon off to spend sometime with my girls.

I saw the little red rocket go flying by me and almost had a fucking heart attack when I pulled up behind her at the light two minutes later and realized it was her.

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