Page 71 of The Billionaire

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I kept my wife isolated from it all, those first few days I dedicated to making sure she was healing properly in body and mind. We found her a doctor that was a nice fit for both of us.

She’d agreed to have the sessions in house so Blossom could be comfortable in her own surroundings and I made sure I was always on hand in case things went south and she needed me. The children we’d brought back were once more with their families. In the end we were lucky enough to save most of them but some were already long gone. I kept that truth from her as well she didn’t need the heartache.

Jason had had a hard few days of it then too. We’d spent many nights after Blossom had gone to bed talking. He’d hated his father for what he’d been a part of but the child in him had still borne that natural love of a child for a parent.

He refused any talk of a shrink and I didn’t push but made sure I kept on top of him, watching for any signs that he would spiral downward. The men had taken him under their wing and it wasn’t long before he fancied himself some sort of security force.

As long as he was no longer losing sleep over the necessary destruction of a monster he could call himself superman for all I cared.

Things were finally quiet now almost a damn year later. Somehow we’d kept her name out of all of it which had been my only concern. After we’d buried her father she seemed to have put the shit to rest.

She’d wanted to go through her old home for any mementos she might want to keep and I’d let her. Now she had little pieces of her mom throughout our new home. She wasn’t hiding and crying anymore, these days she was too busy driving my ass up the wall for that.

Between the two of them it was like a three ring circus around here. I spent most of my time during daylight hours feeling like a fucking school principal but the nights, well let’s just say her sensuality hasn’t waned. In fact pregnancy seemed to amp that shit up a notch or two.

She loved sex, loved spending hours on end under me; some nights we’d go at it until early morning when I’d finally have to call a halt lest she hurt herself.

I fell in love with her pregnant body, she was ripe and round and so fucking sexy that just watching her walk across a room could get me hard as fuck.

Jason was very attuned and would make himself scarce usually after rolling his eyes at me before heading for the nearest exit. I wasn’t too worried about his living with us curbing my enthusiasm. Nothing was ever going to be allowed to do that shit.

Fuck sometimes I could be in the middle of a meeting with the team going over strategy or some fuck and I’d catch a look of her on the monitor moving from room to room and I’d excuse myself and go drag her off somewhere to fuck. Then the bigger she grew the bondage and toys came into play, sexiest fucking thing ever.

That shit made me want to keep her knocked up all the time. She just seemed so vulnerable and womanly then, and her body, damn. Just the thought of it was enough to make me shoot off in my pants.

On the other hand when she wasn’t under me or over me she was getting into shit with Jason, and the amount of shit these two could come up with boggles the mind. She has no fear these days none whatsoever and that shit scares the fuck out of me.

It’s as if she’s trying to make up for her missed childhood, trying to fit all that she’d missed into each day and now she has a sidekick to help her out. Her security team have their hands full that’s for sure.

My wild child gives them a run for their money and then some. Sometimes I dread hearing the report of their exploits, which I only get when the men think she’s done something to put herself in danger.

I’m headed home now to see what the hell they have waiting for me. At least things had been quieter since the new additions but not by much. They’d just found new ways to torment my ass.

I came through the door of the home she’d made for all of us and headed straight upstairs taking the stairs two at a time. I found her just where I expected her to be.

Standing just inside the doorway I watched her, my heart full of love and admiration. She didn’t turn though I knew she knew I was there, she always knew.

“Give me one.” I walked in and stood over my girls, all three of them. We’d had twins, Dana and Jenna. Dana was asleep but Jenna picked her head up as soon as she heard my voice.

She wanted daddy to pick her up but first things first. I leaned over my wife and took her mouth, reacquainting myself with her taste. “Hmm, I needed that.” I took the baby from her arms as I stood bringing her to my shoulder. They were a little less than two months but already they ran shit.

Everyone bent over backwards to cater to their every need. There were times when I’d have a bad moment as I watched them. I’d imagine the life their mother had led, how much of this had been denied her and it hurt my heart.

But Blossom was the complete opposite she reveled in the fact that our girls would have what she didn’t. She didn’t seem to be holding onto the past as much as I did. I think it’s because she never had time to dwell on shit.

After the dust had settled somewhat she’d been too busy fixing up our home and running roughshod over poor Jason who she bossed around and fussed over like a hellion.

He usually tried hiding behind me to get away from her shit but I just gave him up. He needed it, they both did. He was the one good thing from her past and I was happy that she had that at least.

I learned more and more in those first few months just what the kid had gone through to try saving her. He tried to play down his time on the streets living out of garbage cans, moving from place to place so his crazy ass father didn’t find him.

Taking rides with strangers that sometimes weren’t much better than the animal he was trying to escape. I guess his build had saved him a time or two from unsavory fucks.

He shied away from that shit more but I read between the lines. He’d always have a place in our lives because of the sacrifice, plus his being here was just what she needed and I was grateful. That’s when I didn’t feel like killing his ass. The kid is a fucking menace.

“Where’s your brother?” She gave me one of her guilty looks, which meant that either one or both of them had been up to some shit she knew I wasn’t going to like.

“I think Jenna already knows you see how she just picks her head up whenever you walk into a room?” Uh huh, I know my daughters no one has to tell me shit about them they’re both daddy’s girls through and through.

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