Page 69 of The Billionaire

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“Do you know who I am boy?”

“Unfortunately I do, I’ve had the displeasure for the past few weeks of wading through your filth. I have the children you sold away into captivity by the way. By the end of tomorrow the whole world is going to know what you are not to worry.”

He struggled against his restraints and swore a blue streak. Demented fuck. I stood back and let him tire his old ass out. Funny, up close he didn’t look like either of his personas. Not the great senator, nor the axis of evil. Instead he looked like a sixty five year old degenerate down on his luck.

“I’m not afraid of you, you can’t touch me; what I am is bigger than you and the idiot masses.”

“Oh really, I’ve been wondering about that. Tell me senator, if you have the power to turn Starks into an animal of the night why are you and your sidekick trussed up like two old bitches in my warehouse? What, you ran out of powers?”

“I’m not a fucking dog, you think I did all this so I could run around in the woods smelling my own ass?”

“Actually I have no idea what it is that you were trying to do. Why don’t you fill me in since you’ve got nothing more pressing at the moment? If you didn’t want to turn yourself into an animal exactly what is it that you were after?”

“I wanted eternal life.” His eyes moved around the room like a feral cat ready to pounce. Maybe that’s why the guys had used so many chains to bind these two. They were both bat shit crazy.

“Ahh, every megalomaniac’s wet dream, you wanted to play God.”

“I am a god.”

“Oh yeah, which one?”

“The one.” He all but bellowed.

“Yeah? So was Ahura-Mazda but we haven’t heard fuck all from him in centuries.”

“You dare?” Now he’s frothing at the mouth, this is like a bad as fuck B movie. I’m expecting the crazy fuck doll to come out of the woodwork any minute now.

“So tell me oh great one; how was it so easy for my men to get the drop on you and bring you here? Doesn’t your power protect you from mere mortals? And why didn’t your powers help you find what you were looking for in my house you fuck?” He glared at my men again.

“Uh boss, we uh…after reading that shit we found in Starks’ diary we thought it best to take certain measures.” Gage looked embarrassed by his admission.

“Like what Gage?” This shit is fucked I’m surrounded by crazy fuck people.

“We silvered them.”

“You what?”

“We tranqued them with some shit that’s supposed to combat whatever the fuck they’re on. The cuffs and chains are pure silver.” I just looked at him like he was speaking a foreign language.

“It only worked because I’m not at my full power yet, had I been you fools could never have touched me.” Well he’s fucking nuts, plain and simple. I’ll deal with my men’s fuckery at a later date. Fucking werewolves and silver and shit what the fuck? But wait. “Why weren’t you at full power?”

“That’s what that little bitch was for, she was supposed to be my entrée into the inner realm. Just a few more months that’s all the time I needed. Eighteen years I spent cultivating her…”

He got an ugly look on his face as he sneered his next words at me. “Did she tell you I finger fucked her since she was twelve?” He laughed the demented old fuck. I walked around behind him and pulled his head back so our eyes met.

“Let’s see just how powerful you are you fuck.” I doubt he even felt the sharp blade of my stiletto as it sliced across his throat. The doctor pissed himself and tried to run in his chair as blood sprayed every which way. I walked around in front of him so I could look him in the eye.

This motherfucker was the one to touch her. He followed me with eyes of fear. His body shook like he was in a gale storm, perfect. “Good you’re scared. I hope you’re more afraid than she must’ve been each time you entered her room you perverted fuck. Did you enjoy tormenting her?”

“I…I was just following orders, it wasn’t my idea.”

“You think that shit absolves you of guilt? That you were just following orders? Since you like following him so much you can follow him into hell.”

He tried scooting back in his chair to get away from my advances. I walked around behind him out of view. “Are you a righty or a lefty? Never mind it doesn’t matter.” I sawed into his wrist with the bloody knife. He screamed long and hard before passing out.

“Wake this piece of shit up.” Stefan was only too happy to step forward and smack him in the face a couple times. Shit this shit didn’t take so long in the damn movies.

He finally came to when Maurice passed some shit under his nose. I guess it took a second or two for the pain of his severed limb to set in but it couldn’t have helped that I held the shit up for him to see.

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