Page 67 of The Billionaire

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It made me sick to my stomach to think what might've become of her had I not come along, had she not caught my eye that day not so long ago, which was beginning to feel like years.

Soon, hopefully before the little one gets here, things would've settled down and we could look forward to a life of love and peace. I’m going to spoil her ass rotten starting tomorrow and everyday after. Starting with this.

I felt her excitement as soon as we entered the gates. The long driveway that led to the monstrosity at the end was lined with blossoming trees, their scent permeating the evening air as we drove through.

"Gideon?" Her hand tightened on mine as I kept driving until we reached the front door. "Is it?" She turned to me with her eyes wide and brimming with excitement. It did my heart good to see that.

"Yes love, it's all yours." She threw her arms around me and peppered my face with her precious kisses. "Can we go in? I wanna see it."

"Sure love the key's under the mat."

I got out and walked around to her side feeling lighter, this had been a good decision after all. Maybe a few hours spent in the house she'd picked out weeks ago, that I'd bought her only today would go a long way to erasing some of the terror she'd faced earlier.

We walked around the big old house going from room to room. I let her wander at her heart's content standing back while she ran her fingers over the two hundred year old wood and exclaimed over the view out the windows. She was happy. After the day we'd just had I consider that a minor miracle. I put it away for now and tried to enjoy her pleasure in her gift. Leave the madness outside for at least a little while.

My only thoughts now were of my wife and child. I could see us here, could almost hear the laughter and the joy I knew she would bring into all our lives.

"Is it really ours?" She turned from the window where she’d been gazing out over the gardens in silence.

"Yes baby it's ours, you can change anything you don't like."

"No Gideon I love it just as it is. I can't wait to decorate, we should get books." Her excitement was infectious as she walked over to me and laid her head on my chest. She still wasn't moving as easily as before because of the accident but she was getting better. She’d had to run and hide from two madmen on crutches. The seriousness of the situation was now hitting home hard but I fought to hold it at bay as she caressed my chest.

"You want decorating books?" I hugged my sweet girl close enjoying the feel of her in my arms, safe and whole. "Uh huh."

"You don't want to hire someone to do it?"

"No I want us to do it, can we please?" That face, so precious, how did I get so fucking lucky?

"If that's what you want Blossom then that's what we'll do." She could ask me for the world and I'd find a way to give it to her. I know fuck all about decorating but I guess I can learn.

"Have you had enough...Hold on." My phone went off in my pocket.


"You need to get back to the house." It was Gage and from the sound of his voice something was very wrong.

"What's going on?" I wrapped an arm around her and led us to the door.

"It's the boy!" Fuck, she couldn't take anymore.

"Is he alive?" I squeezed her shoulder when she gasped, she had no idea who I was speaking of but she knew something was wrong.

"Yeah but we've got a situation you better get here as soon as possible." At least he wasn't dead. Whatever it was I can handle it as long as I didn't have to tell her that her childhood friend was dead just as she'd found him again.

"Is everything okay Gideon?" I kissed her hair as I led her to the car. "Yes baby everything's fine we just need to get back we'll get your books later okay."

"Okay." My heart was a little unsettled as we headed home. I didn't know what I was going to find there but I knew it wouldn't be good, the tone in Gage's voice told me that much.

Traffic was light so we made good time and was soon heading up in the elevator. She’d been quiet the whole way here but I could tell she was scared again. Will this shit never end?

My men were all standing around in the kitchen. At the table in the middle of them was Jason, he looked shaken and he was covered in...

" that blood?" She hobbled to his side before I could stop her.

"What's going on, who hurt him?" What in the fuck? I walked over to where she was standing next to him already close to tears.

"Uh that's not quite what happened boss." Gage inclined his head towards Blossom. I took that to mean he wanted me to get her out of the room.

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