Page 61 of The Billionaire

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Within thirty minutes we got word that the first rescue mission had gone off without a hitch and the rescued were on a private jet with hand picked staff on their way here.

The safe house was one of my properties in the country. I had a doctor on hand to look over them and there was a trained staff on hand whom I'd had to let in on what was going on. These were people I'd dealt with for years so I didn’t worry about shit going wrong, besides with dad overseeing everything I was guaranteed that things would go smoothly. I’d done all I could now it was time to end this shit.

"I think we’ll bring the senator and the doctor in after we’ve seen the rescued children. We might as well have a little reunion before I throw them to the jackals." Yes I wanted to look them in the face and let them know who it was that had fucked them and why.

That was for her, I needed them to know that though the asshole had been willing to throw her away like garbage there was now someone in her life who valued her above all else.

"Please tell me we're gonna get to fuck them up before we hand them over." I didn't answer just smirked at Gage and the others.


Igot Jason settled in a room upstairs while Blossom fussed around him making sure his every need was met.

"That's enough Blossom I don't think he needs four blankets and don't try lifting that chair again."

"Yeah about that, I meant to ask earlier Ash but got sidetracked; what the heck happened to you anyway?"

"It was an accident." She brushed it off with a slight wave of the hand, I'm sure she didn't want to get into it with him not on his first day back; smart and considerate.

"There's something else I didn't tell you." From the wide grin on her face I knew what was coming next.

"What's that?" He was testing the mattress and looking around the room; probably checking for an escape route.

She reached back and took my hand before answering him.

"We're having a baby." She looked at him expectantly almost as if expecting to be rebuffed. I saw the flash of surprise that was quickly covered before he smiled at us.

"Congratulations Ashley. Man time sure does fly huh you're married and about to become a mom, that's cool." I felt a little sorry for the kid; there was no doubt that he had a slight crush on my wife. I'm not sure if it was a good thing or not that she hadn't a clue.

"Come on baby, let's let Jason get settled in, you have everything you need kid?"

"Sure I'm cool, can I grab a shower?"

"You have your own private bath right through there kid you don't need to ask; you already know where the kitchen is if you get hungry."

"Just so you know I eat a lot." He said it jokingly but I'd already seen the truth in his words. The boy had eaten two omelets and toast with home fries for breakfast, not to mention the pint of juice he'd put away.

"We can afford to feed you not to worry." I led Blossom from the room without trying to be too obvious that I was in a hurry. The guys were waiting for me so that we could head to the safe house. I wasn't taking her with me, not this time anyway.

Two members of my security team will be here to keep an eye on her, and now Jason was in the house as well. I must admit to feeling a little better knowing the kid was in the house. He’d be able to keep her out of my hair while I did what needed to be done.

"Baby I need to leave for a bit, I need you to stay here until I return okay."

"Where're you going?" I looked down at her; so innocent and openly trusting, how could I lie to that face?

"We're expecting some of the rescued children to be arriving in a few hours. I need to go make sure everything is in place."

"I want to go." I was expecting this and as much as I hated to disappoint her in anyway there was no help for it this time.

"No way babe, I have no idea what shape they're in and I don't want you exposed to anything until I'm sure it's safe. Some of these kids have been held captive for years so who knows what damage has been done psychologically.”

“Maybe in a few days when I'm sure it's safe for you and the baby I'll take you there but for now I want to keep you as far away from all of this as possible."

"You can't protect me from what I already know Gideon. Don't you think I've imagined the worst after finding out about the others? I have; I'm just glad you were able to save some of them and hope you get to them all." Her little face had gone sad.

"We're working on it baby." I pulled her in for a hug. There's no way I'm telling her that some of them hadn't made it. We’d traced one little girl that had been brutalized by a monster who had paid top dollar for the privilege of deflowering a five year old.

She'd suffered internal damages and bled to death as a result of his attentions. I'm trying to track this particular specimen down as we speak. Two of the others had been used in underground snuff films. We’d already found and dealt with the sick fucks involved in that debacle.

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