Page 52 of The Billionaire

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"No, because you won't let them hurt me."

"That's my good girl." We sat like that for what seemed like hours just holding each other. Me reliving the horror of her father's words while giving thanks that I had her and my Blossom was just enjoying being close.

I finally sat her outside wrapped in a light blanket with her magazines and iPad and anything her little heart desired to pass the time. I sat at the desk I'd set up in the bedroom so I could still keep an eye on her as I caught up on work. My business had been neglected a lot lately, something I would never have done in the past but had no qualms about doing now.

Where she was concerned there wasn't much I wouldn't do consequences be damned. At least I was sure things were running smoothly under the watchful eyes of the men I had in place for just such an occasion.

I didn't spend too much time on my own business as I was drawn more and more to the mystery of just what the senator had been up to for the past thirty years or so.

I had a program running on my computer, it was kind of like connect the dots type of thing. What it did was find similarities and compared them, so far there were hundreds of them popping up, which meant this mess was going to take a while.

Hopefully the guys will find something helpful in Sanders' reports, I was almost tempted to get the Feds involved but as things stood I didn't trust anyone. This shit, if Sanders was to be believed seemed to reach very high up in society, I know how these people think, there's nothing they won't do to hide up their shit. Human life meant nothing to these animals.

My phone went off with a text the guys were heading back. I'll have to meet them in the office downstairs again. I took a peek at my babygirl and she was dozing in the warm sunshine. I should just leave her there, there was no way for anyone to get to her up here, but somehow I didn't feel comfortable leaving her out in the open.

I walked outside and picking her up as gently as possible I laid her back in the bed. She hardly stirred as I covered her and kissed her brow. "I'll be back soon baby nice nap." She mumbled something before cuddling into her pillow and falling into sleep.

"What have you got?" That was my greeting for Gage and the others as I entered the room.

"He kept good records it looks like, before he just stopped like he said. The good thing is he was able to get ahold of newspaper headlines about some of the missing kids so we might be able to link them up if we're lucky enough to find them."

He threw a thick folder on the desk and some pictures and old faded newspaper clippings fell out. There were notes with times, dates and places going back almost fifteen years.

"Get your shovels boys, let's try to get through some of this shit before the day is over. I want to get started on finding these people as soon as possible, I'm sorry but it looks like some of you might have to do some traveling in the not too distant future, I can't go right now for obvious reasons...."

"There's something you should know boss." Stefan cut me off.

"What's that?" He gave the others a look before clearing his throat and turning back to me.

"The senator's in town."

"Excuse me?"

"He landed this morning after we brought Sanders in so we don't know exactly why he's here but according to his office he doesn't have any official business in these parts, he's on personal leave."

I hit the buttons on my computer that would pull up the bedroom so I could see for myself that she was just where I'd left her, safe and unharmed.

"Okay I think we pretty much know why he's here, looks like he's going to force my hand. I want to help all those kids that these sick fucks fucked over but my wife comes first, if he comes anywhere near her I'll kill him plain and simple." My wife would have no sentimental attachment to this fucker at least; him I can off without compunction.

My phone rang again my dad was on the line which was surprising since he'd been headed to the hospital after leaving here.


"Son, Cliff Sanders is dead."

"What?" I looked up at my men.

"Seems he came in claiming to have been attacked in some sort of ambush, had a gunshot to the knee. The docs here patched him up and were planning to keep him overnight for observation but when the nurse went back into the room he was dead, shot to the head. It had to have been a silencer because no one saw or heard anything."

"Ok thanks dad." I hung up the phone with a heavy heart, not because that fucker was dead, good riddance I say, but because if the senator was eliminating threats then Ashley was in even more danger than before.

"It would appear the senator has already struck, Sanders is dead." There were a lot of grumblings following my announcement.

"Boss if a United States senator is going around offing people himself then this shit might go higher than we thought, this could get really ugly."

"I hear what you're saying Maurice but none of that changes anything, it doesn't matter who's involved I'm going to bring them all down one way or the other. Right now my main concern is my wife and child, making sure that any threat to them is taken care of quickly."

"You want me to nix the fucker I have no problem offing him if he's guilty of half the shit we've uncovered."

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