Page 47 of The Billionaire

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I was no longer worried about going too far, my conscience was clear. I'm no vigilante but I understand the concept of doing whatever it took to keep your loved ones safe.

Blossom had fallen asleep in the short time I'd been on the phone so I pulled the covers up around her shoulders before going back to work on the computer. I guess that last round had knocked her out.

Picking up the phone I called Gage once more to make plans for my visit to Sanders. I will have to put that off for tomorrow. The new threat to Ashley was still too fresh and I didn't feel comfortable letting her out of my sight even though Lynn had been eliminated.

I didn't feel one ounce of remorse for her demise. I might regret slightly the fact that I hadn't been the one to end her, that I hadn't been able to look her in the eye as I took her life, vicious bitch.

I guess I could have the kid she'd used to hurt Ashley released, I'm sure he wouldn't be any trouble. The beating he’d sustained should help him see the error of his ways, dumb fuck.

It didn't escape my notice that we'd been robbed of a honeymoon. When this was all over I was going to see to it that she got that. Starting with a wedding that she could be proud of, I'll have to get mom on the ball for that one; just as soon as I cleaned up the mess that was cluttering up my fucking life.

Blossom slept peacefully that night as I kept watch over her. As long as her enemies were still alive and free I don't think I'd sleep comfortably again. Obviously the senator had been grooming her for something I didn't see him just giving up this easily.

Who knows how much money he'd invested in this thing or what the hell her virginity had to do with it? I had no doubt that that's what all the physicals had been about, not to mention the way her father had raised her.

It's almost as if he'd been rearing her for just the purpose of selling off her virginity; that alone was cause for me to break his fucking neck.

There were no reports from the guys on his house, no red flags, but who knows, the sick fuck could be communicating with the senator in other ways. I still had yet to decide what I wanted to do with the senator and the doctor. Full exposure, which might mean getting Blossom involved or just death; either way they were both gonna die.

A man with the senator's power would have a long reach. It might take years to bring him down and there was no guarantee that he didn't have safe guards in place to cover his ass. So I had to think long and hard about where I wanted to go with this exposure thing. I had no qualms about finishing off a piece of shit child molesting bastard and his sidekick. I just needed to find all or as many of their victims as I could before making that move.

This was turning into more than I'd expected or planned for, but I knew my wife would want us to help the other victims. For her I would leave no stone unturned. I already had a growing list of missing children and corresponding flights to Southeast Asia, which told me these particular kids had been taken there. All I had to do was pick up the trail over there and find them and return them to their homes if possible.

The thing is, they'd been doing this shit for a very long time some of these kids will be adults by now, if they were still alive.

One way or the other, whether I ended these monsters or brought them to justice first I’m going to find a way expose them to the world for what they are. I just have to figure out how to do it without her name ever coming up.


Iasked my parents to come sit with Ashley, there's no way I'd leave her on her own, not even with topnotch security in place. I had to let my father in on a little of what was going on. To say he was displeased would be a great understatement. Not only because of the horror that I shared with him, but because this was his daughter-in-law.

If there's one thing you can be sure of with us Thorpe men, it's the fact that we hold our women in the highest regard, we don't take any slight or infraction against them lightly.

Mom was kept in the dark, all she knew was that I had something of great importance to attend to and didn't want to leave my young injured wife unattended. I had no idea how long my little chat with the asshole would take but I wanted to give myself as much leeway as possible. This way I was sure that Blossom would be in good hands.

Mom was all excited to be spending time with her new daughter seeing as how I'd been hogging her this whole time her words not mine.

"Oh Gideon have you heard, Lynn passed away, some kind of freak occurrence. She apparently got an air bubble or something and died, can you believe it, what a shame such a young woman and with so much potential.

The look dad sent my way told me he had put some things together from what little I'd divulged and was coming up with some pretty accurate answers. I just gave him a slight nod to acknowledge him and kept my mouth shut.

"Blossom's still asleep, I wrote down the instructions for her medicine. She needs to eat as soon as she wakes up. Don't let her do too much mom no matter what she says, I'd prefer it if she stayed in bed for at least another day. You guys can shop online or watch one of the hundred movies I got her. No heavy discussions I don't want her to worry about anything until she's back on her feet."

"Gideon good grief I'm a mother, I've taken care of a sick person before. I promise not to have your Ashley running a marathon while you're away. Now give me your list of instructions and be gone with you." Dad laughed at her put upon attitude.

"Thanks mom." I kissed her brow before heading back to the bedroom to kiss my babies goodbye.

“I’ll be back soon baby, be good for mom okay.” I kissed her before kissing her tummy. “Bye baby Thorpe. Take care of mommy for me while daddy’s gone.”

Gage had thought it might be better not to use one of my warehouses for this particular meeting. Somehow he seemed to think things might get out of hand so he'd found an out-of-the-way place in which to conduct our business.

We had to be very meticulous, it wasn't exactly the easiest thing snatching a city official off the streets and spiriting him away. First we had to time it so he wouldn't be missed, his day off would've been ideal but I didn't want to wait the few extra days until then. I wanted this thing over and done with so I didn't feel like my wife was going through life with a big target on her back.

It helped that Sanders was known for his disappearing acts even in the middle of a shift. We played around with the idea of luring him out on a false call but that would leave too much of a trail not to mention the call would be documented and when he didn't return or call back in, someone would most likely be dispatched as back up.

We took him in the parking lot of the local diner. How my man broke into an official law enforcement vehicle and hid in the backseat was anybody's guess. The fact that there was no guard up between seats made it easy for the assailant to then place a syringe under the chief's chin and give him orders to drive to the abandoned warehouse.

I'm not sure how smoothly or not that whole process went since I was already waiting at the warehouse with some very pissed off men. If I'd foreseen any trouble with taking care of him myself, I had a line of bodies ready willing and able to do the job.

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