Page 44 of The Billionaire

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The implications made me sick to my fucking stomach, but before I went off half cocked and offed the fuckers I needed more information. This was going to take all my resources. I’m going to need every man on my security team on this because if what I suspected was true, we were in way over our heads. I picked up the phone to start the ball rolling.

"Gage, I need you to bring in as much of the team as you can. Leave the men on Sanders, Starks, the Senator and the doctor, but everyone else is needed. Don't worry about Halston that's already being taken care of.

I'll meet you in the underground office at oh six hundred, no one is to say anything. I want only those men you know you can trust completely in on this."

"What's going on boss?"

"Some sick shit it looks like, even worst than we suspected and that's pretty fucked up to begin with."

"You on the secured?"


"Wanna give me a heads up at least?" I took a long time to answer, it was one thing to suspect someone of something and quite another to actually accuse. What the fuck, what they'd done to my Blossom revoked all their rights as human beings fuck them.

"I think these fucks have been stealing children from the U.S. and selling them. Mostly in Southeast Asia, you know what that sounds like right?"


"Yeah, forget trials, they're done."

"You were gonna end them anyway boss we both know that. I'll be there at six; you do know that if this is true your bride might be in even more danger right?"

"Yeah, but the fucks and whoever they send will have to get through me first. I need to get the latest tapes from Sanders' house I need to know what he knows, or what he's been saying lately. Then I'll go from there, but if they get too close take the shot, tell your men that's first and foremost. I'll deal with the fall out but if these fucks or any of their goons come sniffing around here I want them taken out."

I hung up the phone knowing that I'd just given the order to take the life of a United States senator. I give less than a dry fuck. I couldn't find any remorse in myself for the action. If they came after her then they'd die. Whether by my hand or one of the men I paid I'd deal with it, but they weren't ever getting near her again.


Imet with the guys in the underground office I'd had set up for highly sensitive meetings like this. Gage, Dmitri, Stefan and Maurice sat across from me going over the printouts I'd made for them of what I'd found so far.

"Are you fucking shitting me?" Maurice was out of his seat in a fighter's stance, fists folded, ready for action; ever the hot head.

"What I don't understand is why Southeast Asia? Don't they usually just exploit their own kids?" Stefan threw down his copy in disgust.

"I think there's more going on here we have to keep digging because this shit doesn't make any sense. It's like Stefan said, that region is known for its fucked up perversions against kids, but why would these two assholes be selling American kids over there?"

"So what do you think Dmitri, any ideas?" I too had wondered about that, it didn't exactly make sense but I couldn't figure out the missing link. I kept an eye on the monitor on my desk where I could see Ashley still asleep. Surrounded by all this ugliness, all I wanted to do was wrap her up in cotton and keep her safe.

I hated that they had been anywhere near her, that they'd had their filthy hands on her.

The fact that her father had been the one to bring them into her life made me want to disembowel the bastard instead of just shooting his ass.

“I don’t know boss but whatever this is it’s not good.”

"What have we got from the Sanders house Gage?"

“Nothing much of interest to this, he's been kind of quiet since Halston was left in his front yard."

"I think I need to pay him a visit, he might have some answers as to what the fuck is going on here."

"I'm thinking we kill all these fucks and be done with it."

"Maurice if we did that then we'll never know what's going on here. There has to be more people involved, if you look at the printouts you'll see a pattern, let's put these together and see what we come up with."

I'd known the men would have to blow off some steam before we got down to business, this mess would put even the staunchest person over the edge.

"When do you want to hit the cop?" Gage looked ready for action as usual.

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