Page 43 of The Billionaire

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"Uh-uh, I'm good Gideon." I took the laptop from her and closed it.

“Enough.” I only meant to kiss away her pout but as soon as my lips touched hers she went all soft on me. I pushed everything aside with my lips locked on hers and came down on top of her pressing her body into the mattress.

“Get comfortable baby.” I helped her move her leg and her arm out of the way and settled between her thighs. “You want me to fuck you now sweet Blossom?” I loved saying things like that to shock her she got the cutest blush that ran from her face to her chest when I did.

“Yes please.” Minx; I kissed her because I couldn’t help myself and rubbed my cock into her heat.

“You want me to eat your little pussy first huh?” She shook her head no, I was beginning to think well that’s a first, but then she shocked the shit out of me. “I wanna suck on you first.”

I slid off the bed and out of my clothes before returning to her to pull the dress I’d put on her earlier over her head. It’s a good thing I’d nixed the nurse, we couldn’t have this much fun if there was a stranger walking around the place.

When we were both naked I straddled her chest so she could reach my already leaking cock. She’d remembered everything I’d taught her, maybe too well.

I grabbed fistfuls of her hair as she teased my cockhead with her tongue, licking and sucking on it while fondling my balls in her palm. I thrust as slowly as I could into her mouth not willing to rush her but letting her go at her own pace.

She hummed around my cock and looked up at me. She smiled around my dick before opening her mouth wider and taking me all the way in. “Fuck baby.” She took her time doing her breathing the way I’d shown her as she massaged my cock with her throat; A fucking natural.

“Sorry baby.” I apologized before my hold on her hair tightened and I face fucked my new bride. I started shooting way too fucking soon and had to pull out when she started choking on my volume of cum. I stroked my cock over her tits emptying the rest of my seed all over them.

She watched wide-eyed as I lost control before bending her head and sucking me back in to finish on her tongue. “Merciful fuck Blossom.” I dropped like a sack next to her, breathing like air was in short supply while she laughed her ass off. “You’ve killed me; that’s it.” She rolled around on the bed laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes.

I grabbed her around her middle and being as careful as I could pulled her up and over to sit on my face. She wasn’t laughing when my tongue entered her pussy, now she cooed as she rocked back and forth on my mouth.

Fuck I could eat her pussy all day it was that good. I worked her on and off my tongue, licking, sucking, biting, and growling. I was a maniac. “Cum in my mouth baby.”

“What?” Shit she couldn’t hear me I had a mouth full of pussy and I didn’t want to stop eating long enough to tell her again so I just made sure she did. As soon as she started to shake I lifted her off my tongue and down my body seating her on my cock. Hard. She yelped and fell forward onto my chest but I was too far-gone to stop. “You hurt?” She shook her head no and that was good enough for me. With my hands holding her hips in a tight grip I fucked up into her pulling her down hard onto my upward thrusts.


“I know let it happen baby.” I never stopped fucking while her pussy had a choke hold on my cock but I wanted more. “Fuck this.” I pushed her over onto her back remembering her broken state in time not to hurt her.

With her casted leg over my arm I planted my other hand next to her head and plowed into her pussy over and over again until the tingles in my spine warned me I was about to cum. “Cum.” I ground my pelvis into her clit to help her out and she was right there with me. Damn I almost killed us both that time.

After cleaning us both up and getting her some juice it was time to get back to work. I kissed the top of her head once more before going back to what I’d been doing before she distracted me.

She found four more connections in the next hour. The more she found the more nervous I became that this thing was bigger than even I could've imagined.

I started seeing crazy patterns that led to an even more disturbing trend if that were possible.

Had we not been using highly untraceable computer software I would've stopped after the first two hours. As it was I wanted to stop her before we went any farther; but I knew I couldn't do that. It might raise more questions if I did.

I’m going to have to wait until she took her nap to look into where my suspicions were leading me. I almost regretted getting her involved; this was bigger than her father and his evil.

This was beyond the terrorizing of a young girl who had been reared for whatever sick, sinister purpose these three had been harboring. Where my mind and the research were leading was to an evil so profound only the very evil could've come up with this shit.

I fed her lunch and her meds before putting her to sleep. I laid in the bed with her head on my chest until her breathing evened in slumber. She’d had a long day and fucking her like rodeo bull hadn’t helped I’m sure but damn she makes me hard. Even now after only having had her a few short hours ago I wanted her again. It seems I will always want her. She was being so strong doing this when I knew it couldn’t be easy for her.

"My brave girl, I'm glad I found you in time." With one last soft kiss to her forehead I eased out from under her and retreated to my study.

I automatically turned on the monitor for the master bedroom so I could keep an eye on her in case she awakened and needed me. I had no doubt that the subject matter I was about to uncover would break her heart, how could it not? She'd lived this nightmare she knew better than I what these monsters were capable of.

I just hope I don't live to regret getting her involved in this. In the beginning the thought of her having a hand in bringing about the demise of her tormentors seemed like the best thing, but with where this thing was going, I was afraid she'd have more heartache before we were through.

What I expected to find I wasn't sure, I just had the feeling that wherever these two had been together, there might be something. The something I was finding was leading me to believe that either my wife had been a very lucky girl, or there was more than one thing going on here.

Right before my eyes a pattern started to unfold. Wherever senator Thompson and Dr. Seals have been together there have been a disappearance and Amber alerts within hours or a day or two after their arrivals.

In most cases the disappearances were of little girls. There didn't seem to be a set type to the victims other than that they were all between the ages of three and ten.

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