Page 38 of The Billionaire

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"That was going to be my next step. Also who is the senator's biggest opponent? I'm not much into politics those shysters make dirty business dealings look like child's play I have no stomach for that shit."

"I'll get you a list he's a politician I'm sure he has enemies coming out the woodwork."

"Good man, now let's deal with this psychotic bitch, I want her out of the country by the end of the week.” I heard movement on the monitor, which meant she was stirring, time to go.

“My wife's waking up I gotta go. I'll handle my end before end of day. You think you can get something worked out by then?" We both headed out the office.

"It's just the logistics, we've got the manpower just let me tinker with it a little and I'll get back to you."

"Good enough."

I saw him out and went to the kitchen to get my baby a snack, she'll be hungry again by now, plus she needed to keep her strength up we had a baby to feed. Can’t think about my kid right now or I’ll say fuck it and go on a one-man killing spree.

As I put together a salad and some fruit for her I thought of ways to keep her safe. There was no doubt in my mind that the senator already knew I had her. Sanders would've had to tell him that his sick plans whatever they were were sidelined. They'd want to shut her up, they had no knowledge of the drawings I was sure, but they wouldn't take the chance of her someday recognizing one of them and spilling the beans. I have to think like a criminal, get into their heads so I could stay one step ahead.

If I couldn't figure this shit out the US senate would just be one man short in the not too distant future, as well as the medical community. It would only take an experienced pilot with a parachute to send a plane crashing into the Rockies, or maybe devil's tower.

Shit happens.


She was awake when I got to the bedroom with her snack. She looked so small and lost it tore at my heart. I knew she was afraid and that more than anything else pissed me the fuck off. She shouldn’t have to be afraid.

Her leg and arm will mend, but fear is something that lived inside and was hard to exorcise. She alone knows the terror that she felt at the hands of these people, not even my anger can negate that.

Looking at her brought me to a decision, something I thought I would never do now made perfect sense. I hope to God it was the right thing to do.

"Hey Blossom, after you've eaten, I'd like to talk over some things with you okay?" She nodded her head as she took her salad.

She still had that wary look in her eyes; she was too young for this shit. How had I forgotten that she was this young? She was still weeks away from her eighteenth birthday and I felt guilt pull at me.

I'd gotten a seventeen-year old girl pregnant. The fact that she was my wife didn't do much to alleviate the guilt, the fact that she wasn't the first eighteen year old to get pregnant nor even the fact that it was perfectly legal here didn’t help much either. I still felt...wrong somehow, fuck. I watched her as she ate her salad making sure she was eating enough.

"I'm not being a very good wife am I?"

"What? What do you mean?" I took the empty salad plate from her and put it on the night table, passing her the cut up melon.

"Well, I'm supposed to be taking care of you and I haven't, I got sick and you have to take care of me..."

"Baby, first off you didn't just get sick you got hurt, but we'll come back to that later. It's my responsibility to take care of you as much as it's yours to take care of me, never think that way. Do you think I would let you do anything now while you're in this position?"

"But it's wrong...."

"No it's not; get that out of your head right now. I know you don't have a great example of what marriage should be but a real marriage is not about you taking care of our home or me. It's about us loving each other in all ways and taking care of each other. If I was hurt wouldn't you take care of me?"

"Of course, but I'm supposed to, isn't it the woman's place to do those things? I don't think men like to have to do these things." My baby is stuck in the damn stone ages, no doubt this was something she’d learned from her asshole dad in one of his attempts to brainwash her.

I almost laughed at the idea of someone telling Tula that shit she’d most likely brain the fuck before she kneed him in the balls. But my Blossom said it in all seriousness.

"Baby, that's just not true, I know where you learned to think like that, but it's wrong. A man who loves his woman will do anything for her and not only when she's sick either. When you love someone as much as I love you little Blossom, there isn't anything you won't do for them. Now put that out of your head I have something more important to ask you okay."

"Okay." She patted the bed next to her indicating that I should join her there. Being careful of her injuries, I climbed in next to her.

She gave me one of her smiles and melted my heart. Man, who the fuck could hurt this girl? Why would they want to? "I wanted to talk about the do you feel about being pregnant at your age? Aside from the fear you had about a baby causing your death, we know that's not true right?"

"I'm beginning to yes. I've been dreaming about the baby a lot, sometimes I see my mom and she tells me everything's going to be fine...does that make sense?"

"Yes babe it sounds like she's visiting your dreams to give you comfort." I hugged her shoulder.

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