Page 37 of The Billionaire

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It turned my stomach to read each word as the young girl he had traumatized laid sleeping in fear not too far away. What were you planning to do with her you fuck? I wanted to punch something but my gym was on another floor and there was no way I was leaving her here alone. I felt like a caged beast about to gnaw my fucking arm off in frustration.

Had it been only a few short weeks ago that I’d seen her for the first time? How could life change so drastically in such a short space of time? And what the fuck else was going to come at me next? I walked over and looked down at her as she slept peacefully I had to go see Gage which meant I had to leave her. I took the monitor with me in case she woke up while I was gone.

Gage was looking out the windows of my home office when I got there. He turned at my entrance and with a nod took a seat across from my desk.

"Do we know as yet how Halston and Sanders paths crossed?" I've had him doing some digging while we were in the hospital. Though the tapes had revealed much, they hadn't answered that little kernel. Those two didn’t move in the same circles and I needed to know everything before I moved. I wasn’t about to leave any stone unturned I wanted the names of all the players down to the smallest one.

"She was having you followed. I pieced that little tidbit together from all the surveillance pictures I found in her house of you and Mrs. Thorpe. It looks like it went on for a few weeks at least."

Probably from the first day I broke things off with her, fuck. Why hadn't I thought of that? I should've known that would be her style. She'd been so convinced that there'd been someone else, I should've known she wouldn't just let things go.

"What else did you find?"

"Nothing much, except for these pictures." He dropped a Manila envelope on the desk between us.

Inside were pictures of me outside Ashley's school, the two of us shopping and coming and going from the building. One of the last of the bunch was an excellent shot and could very well be the reason Lynn Halston had lost her mind.

It was a shot of Ashley and I after we got married, the look on my face as I looked down at her. Anyone with eyes could see what was there. Hell I didn't know I was that fucking transparent, but it was all there captured on film. Love, lust, and complete adoration.

I separated that one from all the rest. I wasn't quite sure what direction I was going to take as yet, I just might need these as evidence; but I was sure I wanted to hold on to that particular photo, it captured the essence of what was in my heart for her.

"May I say something sir?"

"Sure, what's on your mind?"

"She's not going to stop, the shit I saw in her place, she's obsessed. If you don't want to spend the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, or cleaning your wife up after she's been attacked by this loon, you'd better act now."

"What did you see in her place?" He pulled a pen from his pocket, hit some keys on his MacBook and with the pen pointed at the screen showed me a slide show of what looked like the inside of Lynn's house.

For the next fifteen minutes I looked at image after image of what appeared to be a shrine to me. There were oversized pictures of me all over the walls in one room, some of just my eyes, me in all different poses. But that's not what scared me, no what made me cold were the pictures of Ashley with her face slashed, or her head removed, purely demented shit.

This shit was way out of control; this was about more than a woman scorned. This was a twisted fuck that had apparently gone off the deep end. I felt like running upstairs and scalding the fuck out of my dick because I’d had the bad sense to go there. Who or what the fuck was this bitch and how had she kept this side of her so well hidden for so long?

I had to put my own personal shit aside and focus on Blossom for now. I couldn't have so many of her enemies on the loose. She would never be safe with these fucks still alive or free.

I took some time to think of my next move, my enemies were piling up by the minute and having that many bodies on your tab will take time and planning. This was in no way an easy decision to make.

I have to carry this shit out with precision so that there’s no way any of it would come back to me. I’d thought to torment her ass for a while for what she’d done, like a game of cat and mouse but she couldn’t stay here in the city. Not so close to my wife.

"How can we get her out of the hospital undetected?"

"That's easy, we know the routine there already we just need someone to go in in the wee hours of the morning. That's when the nurses are having their down time; most of the patients are asleep so they're not as alert then. Moving her with her broken legs might pose a problem but it can be done. What did you have in mid sir?"

"I'm thinking Miss. Halston might be going for a long stretch in a secure mental hospital outside the country. One of those nice places that believe in shock treatment and solitary confinement; I'll make the arrangements, just fine tune the details from your end and I'll handle the rest."

"Damn boss that's cold, I would've just broken her neck, but this, this will be never ending torture for someone like her. How long do you plan on leaving her in this place?"

"How long did you say it would be before my wife was safe from her?"

"Uh, never."

I just gave him a look; that should be answer enough.

"Let me just say, I'm glad we're on the same side, your mind scares the shit outta me and I'm supposed to be the muscle in this outfit." I smiled that away.

"Now I just have to figure out what's the deal with the senator and the doc. So far I can't find anything that points to them being involved in anything shady."

"Well those drawings your wife did are spot on so we know it's those fuckers. You check their travel rosters?"

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