Page 3 of The Billionaire

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My dick stays hard now; just the thought of getting my hands on her is driving me insane. I have one of my security team on her at all times now as well, while an investigator is gathering all the information he can. I should know by end of business today what moves I need to make thank fuck. It feels like forever since I’d first laid eyes on her.

Since this heat in my body has been threatening to consume me. I should be annoyed that one little girl should have this strong an affect on me but somehow I’m not. In fact it’s quite the opposite, I feel excited and energized.

Like I’m about to embark on the greatest adventure of my life. The one thing that gives me pause is her age. Will she be closer to seventeen or eighteen?

I'm hoping for good news, I don't fancy ending up in a police blotter as a pedophile. I'm not sure I could touch her if she turned out to be sixteen, legal or not. Neither am I sure I could wait to take her if she turns out to be that young. Fuck!

She seems at a loss today as I watch from my window high above the city. It seemed as if she were looking for something or someone. I know she has no affiliations with anyone, according to my daily reports she lived a pretty sheltered life.

She went to school and then home, but during the day when she was in class I had no way of knowing what went on behind those walls. So far there was nothing to suggest she was attached to anyone. It wouldn't be the easiest thing to break a teenaged girl's heart if she fancied herself in love with some boy, but I know myself, I will let nothing stand in my way.

There was a lot of planning to be done, according to what I find out today my life is about to change drastically. Like I said I'm not accustomed to being the hunter, never needed to be. And the fact that she was so young, well that changed things; there will have to be provisions made.

I didn't want to cast her as just another one of my acquisitions, somehow I knew she would be more than that, how much more is left to be seen.

Gage has finally arrived with his news. I had him leave me the packet with everything he found on my desk. I wanted to peruse alone at my own leisure. My heart raced with excitement at what I would find there.

It really didn't matter though. I'd already made up my mind even if I had to wait to have her under me I will take ownership very soon. There’s no way I could wait another year or two to approach her.

I have no idea what my head of security thinks is the reason for my sudden interest in the life of a teenage girl. I'm not in the habit of explaining myself. Why would I? It's nobody's business; if he found my request strange he never let on though which is why he's in my employ. He just does his job without question, which for a man in my position is a great asset.

Alone in my office with my feet up I started to get to know my little Blossom. Shit three months before she turns eighteen. Oh well, three months isn't that long, and it's only my moral compass that stops me from going full tilt ahead. I wonder though how mature she could be at her age?

If all I'd wanted were a quick fuck it wouldn't matter that she was three months short of eighteen. I would just go for it, slake my lust and be done, but I felt the need for something more.

My every instinct screamed at me to tread carefully. I always follow my instincts and that's why I am where I am at such a young age. Old money might have been my foundation, but what I did with what I had is what makes me a force to be reckoned with.

Her father is a high-ranking cop in their small town on the outskirts of the city. I wonder why she was coming here for school then? They had to have a school where she lived.

I looked up the place on the web since I’d never had cause to go there before. Damn one thousand people talk about small I employed ten times that many people all around the globe, maybe more.

"Ashley." I said it out loud for the first time and felt it burn my tongue as it went through me. Even her name made me hard. I had to get myself together there were things I needed to do, things I needed to set in motion, like our first meeting. Though I might consider holding off on anything too physical for the next little while, there is no fucking way I'm waiting to meet her.

Tomorrow then, tomorrow I will approach her, set the groundwork. I studied the picture Gage had included. Damn she's beautiful. Something about her pulled at my protective instinct. Like I needed to grab her up and shield her from the rest of the big bad world.

"Soon my little Blossom." I rubbed my finger over her face as her eyes stared back at me. I put her picture in my inside pocket as I set to work on my strategy.


Another day has gone by since I first laid eyes on her, I’ve finally decided on my point of attack. I've learned through the daily reports of the men I have guarding her that she has a routine.

Everyday on her lunch break she likes to sit alone under a tree a little off school grounds. Perfect, I'm not sure what the protocol is for strange men traipsing across schoolyards, but I'm pretty sure it can't be good.

I can't put it off any longer. I haven't slept in days, and work has lost its appeal. It's as if she's the sun in my dark dreary world. One I didn’t realize was becoming dull and ascetic until seeing her across the way that day weeks ago.

I've been living for those few glimpses of her in the mornings, like a lovesick puppy. Not a good look for a hard nosed business tycoon who rules everything around him. Today is the day; I can't believe I'm nervous. Fuck. I haven't been this nervous over a woman in....never.

I made sure to dress down today; by that I mean no suit and tie just a black button down, black slacks, shirt sleeves rolled to the elbows, first two buttons left undone. Casually relaxed without looking like a fucking perv.

There wasn't a damn thing I could do about my hair, so why bother? Just a swift brush through that didn’t do shit to keep it tamed.

I studied myself in the mirror wondering who the fuck was this guy who was sweating at the thought of approaching a woman? Maybe the problem was that I hadn’t once thought of her in the way I’ve thought of any female since I was seventeen.

She wasn’t just a hot piece of ass that I wanted to break a piece off of. Those I went after whole hog until jollies were had by all before both parties went their merry way. Except not to toot my own horn but in most cases they usually wanted the jolly to go on for much longer. That’s how I came up with decision to have a long-term arrangement with Lynn I got tired of the drama that came with break ups.

Now this beauty did not fall into that category and it scares the shit out of me because it’s unchartered water. Her age dictates that I as the adult handle everything with care. If I was going to do this, and I am, it has to be about her first all the way.

I have no intentions on fucking up her life. Her report reads like an innocent’s, I can’t imagine her being worldly and sophisticated enough to take on a man like me. So you see my dilemma, for the first time in my life the great Gideon Thorpe cannot approach a woman with just fucking on his mind.

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