Page 21 of The Billionaire

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She saw me coming or sensed me and looked up with a smile as she rose from her seat.

"Hello Blossom."

"Hi, what're you doing here?" She made as if to hug me but then remembered where we were as we felt the curious eyes on us.

"I need you to get your things, did you have tests today?"

"Yeah but we're done, why what's wrong?" She started wringing her hands fear already palpable in her eyes.

"Is it my dad, is he coming to get me?" She looked around like a hunted animal and I wanted to howl. I bit down on my anger and focused on her and what I had to do.

"No sweetheart, no one's going to take you away from me, I just need you to come with me okay."

"You promise?" She bit her lip. How could I not touch her? I didn't want to scandalize the student body so I settled for caressing her cheek.

"I promise, now go get your stuff and do what you need to do in order to leave, do you need me to go to the office?"

"No that's okay, I can do it I'll be back before you know it."

She skipped away, once more reminding me just how young she was. I hope I was doing the right thing if not I would be screwing up both our lives.

She was back in less than fifteen minutes, taking my elbow as we headed back to the car. At least she didn’t look so scared anymore.

"So where're we going?"

"I'll explain everything as soon as we're in the air."

"In the air, we're flying somewhere?"

She got so excited she grabbed my arm. I knew she'd never flown anywhere before, today was going to be a lot of firsts for my little Blossom.

I kept the conversation light as we travelled to the airfield, which was easy because Blossom jabbered the whole way with excitement. The strength of my feelings for her were very evident to me in that moment as she took me out of my brewing inner rage with her innocent joy in something that I so often took for granted.

It's just one of the ways that she gets to me. That first day seeing her across the way, all I saw was her beauty of form. I had no idea she would turn out to be this magnificent creature that would wrap herself around my heart and pull me into her sweetness.

We boarded the plane and she still had not stopped. She asked a million questions, but not about where we were going. That’s another thing, if I told her I would explain something later she pretty much took my word for it and waited without badgering me to death.

That was a condition most adults couldn't even master. I was sure it had something to do with her upbringing but I saw it as strength.

So her questions had nothing to do with what you’d expect of a female, especially one so young on her first flying adventure, instead my Blossom wanted to know everything about the plane. How it worked, could she see the controls? She was like a kid in a candy store. Her excitement almost made me forget why we were here in the first place.

"Would you like to take flying lessons little one?" Her eyes and mouth opened wide as she nodded her head not quite able to speak it appeared. So adorably cute I couldn’t resist kissing her lips closed, just a soft brush from mine to hers.

“So you shall have them I’ll teach you myself.” I couldn’t wait to show her the world out there, open up all the wonders that she’d been missing.

She jabbered away at me a mile a minute until I had to recall everything I’d ever learned about flying, I think I still had some old manuals at home I’ll have to remember to dig them out for her. Was I ever this excited about anything as a teen?

I’m sure there were times I was, but usually I took most things in stride. I guess that comes from living a life of privilege, you just expected everything to be as you wanted it. With her I suppose I’ll be seeing the world in a whole new light.

“You didn’t get to finish lunch baby how about something to eat?” She was practically vibrating with excitement and it was all I could do not to laugh. She put her hand over her tummy shaking her head.

“I’m not hungry Gideon.” Too much excitement I guess, all the same she had to have something she hadn’t eaten since breakfast, which had been fruit and cereal. “Just have a little snack for me okay?” She consented to an apple and I guess I had to be satisfied with that.

She put her head on my shoulder and took my hand in hers. I smelt her hair and her soft scent tickled my nose. I think she fell asleep within minutes of laying her head there. So innocent, so trusting, and just like that the anger was back.

I put my arms around her as we flew off into the sky, vowing to myself that I would rid her of every threat to her happiness, no one would ever again be allowed to harm her not in anyway.

I had already set things in motion to protect her, what I was about to do will be the first major step in putting myself between her and danger. But there was still much to be done and time was of the essence. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to safeguard her.

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