Page 20 of The Billionaire

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That night she slept on my chest, her legs snuggled between mine, and me, the guy who couldn't stand cuddling slept like a fucking baby with her sweet weight on top of me.

The next morning we were more relaxed with each other. I let her browbeat me into eating breakfast, at least if was just fresh fruit with muesli and fresh squeezed orange juice.

She seemed more in her element here, puttering around my kitchen in her school uniform, the little band around her head making her look even younger. I almost felt like a perv, especially when I trapped her between my body and the island and ate at her cherry flavored lips.

"I can't wait to make love to you."

I felt her whole frame shiver at my whispered words, good, maybe I'll keep her primed between now and her birthday. By the time I actually get inside her she would be stoked for it.

"Gideon, don't say stuff like that." She was red as a cherry, her face hot to the touch when I kissed her cheek but she had a little shy smile as she tried to hide from me.

I needed to get her off to school. I still hadn't listened to the tapes yet and I wanted to get that done today, then there was a lot to do to prepare for our future.


Itook her to school on my way to work, and didn’t that sound fucking insane? I’m the twenty-six year old head of a Fortune Five Hundred company and my girlfriend is a twelfth grader, for fuck’s sake. What if I hadn’t seen her that day? Or the wind hadn’t been blowing in just that way that made her play in her hair the way she had that caught my eye? I shudder to think what might’ve become of my beautiful girl then. No matter what I’ll never regret having her in my life.

Sanders had been right though, there were some who would scoff at the disparity in our relationship, and some could kiss my ass. I answer to no one, which meant no one had any say in what the fuck I do with my life.

The only people who mattered were my family and I had no doubt they’d love my girl. Mom especially would want to mother her, which was fine by me she could use all the love and attention she could stand. But first they’d have to stand in line because it was going to be a while before I felt like sharing my treasure with anyone else.

“Do you get out early again today baby?” We’d pulled up to the school and some of the kids were checking out the limo but couldn’t see beyond the tinted glass. I’d decided against asking her about friends at school because I was pretty sure she had none but…”Does anyone here bother you Blossom?”

“No I pretty much always just kept to myself. I think some of them thinks I’m weird but no one has ever been mean or anything. And no I’m not getting out early. Will you still be able to come get me? I can find my way back I think, it doesn’t seem that far.”

“Don’t be silly of course I’ll come get you.” I kissed her cute little nose as the driver came around to let her out.

“I don’t want to take you away from anything if you’re busy…”

“Hey, I’ll never be too busy for you ever okay.” That got me a smile and a quick kiss, which only left me wanting.

“I’ll see you later sweetheart have a good day.” She climbed out after assuring me she would and I watched her walk into the building. As soon as she was out of sight and the car was pulling out into traffic my mind went to what laid ahead. All the planning and moving things around to make sure she had a smooth transition. The first order of business would be to clear my schedule for her upcoming vacation. Maybe tonight after dinner I’d have her pick out a place that she’d like to visit. Or maybe we’d take the yacht out onto the Mediterranean for the whole summer, whatever she wanted.

“ Good morning Sandy hold all my calls until further notice and I’m out to anyone but family or the school.” I’d already let those who needed to know that she was to be put through to me no matter what if for some reason she couldn’t get me on her phone. I’d bought her a new one and programmed all my numbers into it but I wasn’t taking any chances. Until I’d dealt with her father once and for all everyone was on high fucking alert. “Yes sir.”

I went into my office and set up the tape recorder schooling myself for whatever fuckery I was about to walk into. Nothing could’ve prepared me for the shit that was about to unfold.

I sat in stone cold silence as I listened to Cliff Sanders and Keith Starks discuss how they were going to get Ashley back. As they argued the merits of going up against me, compared to the money they stood to lose from the sale of a human being, I felt my gorge rise. To hear him speak of her as though she were nothing made the blood in my veins boil. I wanted his blood in my throat in that moment, had he been standing before me he would be dead.

After I'd thrown up what little contents I had in my stomach I started planning.

I made copies of the tapes, I couldn't stomach any more for now that was enough for me for today. Especially after hearing him go after her when he found the things I had bought her. The things he'd said to her, the names he'd called her, no man should ever speak to his child like that and especially not one who didn't deserve it.

I couldn't think about that right now though, I had things to do. I had to combat whatever play they were going to make.

I called up my pilot and had him fuel up the jet, then made some last minute phone calls canceling some very important and highly lucrative meetings for the next few days. Too bad, they could wait or they could go elsewhere, this was more important, she was more important.

I checked my watch as I placed the recordings in my safe, another hour before she had lunch.

I went to the house to pick up a few things and debated calling my mom but decided to put that off for now. She'd understand I had no doubt.

When I pulled up to the school she was just coming out the door. Since I'd warned her not to go to her tree alone she was headed to a bench closer to the school.

I got out and walked to the edge of the little grassy area where she sat surrounded by her peers, though she sat off to the side by herself.

I watched her for a while as she took her lunch out and put her headphones in her ears.

With my hands stuffed in my pockets I made my way towards her.

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