Page 15 of The Billionaire

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"I can't, I have tests all morning, but today's a half day, so I get to come home early..." She trailed off and twisted the covers in her hands as she looked down, I could see a blush tinting her cheek.

"What is it Ashley, what's on your mind?" She peeked at me from under her lashes as she bit her lip. Damn morning trifecta, if she woke up like this every morning I was in serious trouble for the next few months. I’m already sporting a massive hard on which I was fighting to keep hidden from her, but if she kept biting her lip like that...

I pulled the offending flesh from between her teeth and lifted her chin with my finger.

"Tell me."

"Is this...home?"

Her voice was so small I barely made out the words but the look of fear in her eyes told me I had heard correctly.

"Yes it is, well one of them, but that's something we'll talk about later. Are you going to be okay to go to school today, you're sure? I could always call and have them postpone your testing."

"No, I want to go, do you you think he'll come for me?" If he wants to fucking die sure. Her breathing got choppy with fear and tore at my gut.

"No sweetheart, he's not gonna come for you." I held her until her breathing quieted again, every tremble like a spike in my heart. How many years and how many horrors had she faced at the hands of the one who was supposed to protect?

It made me sick to my stomach to think on it. She was such a fragile little thing, so soft, so...female. It was hard to imagine someone hurting her intentionally, it made me want to wrap her up in silk and tuck her away somewhere safe.

I wish I could erase every memory of every nightmare she had faced in her own personal hell. From what I had learned in the report I could only imagine what he had done and said to her all her life. One thing was for sure, the man was a sick bastard, and I will do everything in my power to keep her away from him. She'd understand one day if she doesn't now.

In the end I waited until she was in school, I dropped her off there myself and gave her one of my phones so she could call if she needed me. Barring that I would be back at one to pick her up.

I sped the rest of the way to her father's house, my anger once again at the forefront. Over breakfast, which she had insisted on making though I usually had just coffee in the mornings, she’d told me some of what had happened the night before.

He’d come into her room unannounced, a practice he seemed in the habit of doing on occasion. And when she'd tried to hide her new things he had gone into a rage, screaming profanities at her, along with calling her a whore, my whore.

I’d kept my peace while I listened but all the while I was imagining which bones I was going to break in his pathetic body.

I jumped out of my car in his driveway. I'm not a violent man by design but I have been known to lose my temper and have been told it's not a pretty sight.

Well Clifton Sanders was in for a treat because I don't think I've ever been this pissed in my fucking life.

It was still early in the morning and the few houses on the dead end street were quiet. I know that there were mostly retirees in this neighborhood and that will work in my favor.

I didn't stop to think, just kicked the door in and went right in. He wasn't upstairs but laid out on the couch in the living room. The noise from the door breaking must've woken him because he fumbled around trying to reach his gun on the side table.

"No you don't you son of a bitch."

I reached him in three strides and pulled him up by his neck. I nut punched him while glaring into his eyes and he dropped.

"I could've killed you for what you had planned for her that alone was your death sentence. I was willing to let it go for her sake but this just nailed your coffin shut.” I kicked him once for good measure.

It was no fun beating the shit out of a sniveling dog that was just rolling around on the floor nursing his balls. Weak fuck, he only knew how to prey on a defenseless girl in his care. Someone who’d looked to him for everything, and whom he gave nothing.

“Now go upstairs and get me all her pertinent paperwork, birth certificate, social security, medical records, everything. I want it in five minutes or I'm breaking a bone in your fucking body for every minute of my time you waste.

"I don't have to give you anything Thorpe, you have no rights she's my daughter. I'll have you brought up on charges. What would your high class friends think of a pedophile?"

"In case you forgot you fuck, in this state the law says I can marry Ashley at sixteen, she's almost eighteen. Your threats don't mean shit to me and I could give a flying fuck what my peers think, now get me what I asked for, times a wasting." I walked over to him to get him moving the longer I stayed in here the closer he came to death.

"How do you expect me to explain this, her sudden disappearance? What am I supposed to tell people?"

"You really are stupid. Do I look like I give a fuck how you explain anything? All I care about is keeping you away from her, as of yesterday you can forget you even have a daughter."

He sneered at me as if he wanted to kill me, I'm sure that thought was giving him the warm and fuzzies. Join the line you fuck, the nerve of this sick fuck to call me a pedophile after what he’d had planned for his own flesh and blood.

"You don't seem to hear so good since you still went after her after I warned you not to, so heed me now, fuck with me on this and the tape recording I have of you goes to the six o clock news. I've already left instructions, just in case by some twist of fate you get the drop on me. Now get going."

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