Page 14 of The Billionaire

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Tomorrow her life with me begins. He might've destroyed those few paltry gifts but I will replace them and more. From now on she would have everything her heart desires, everything he’d denied herherwhole life I will see that she gets. But most importantly I will show her that she was worth a hell of a lot more than he had planned to sell her for.


Iprowled the living room when I wasn't checking in on her, those little whimpering noises she made in her throat made me want to go tear him limb from limb. But that was too easy when I hit him I’m going to hit him hard and with longer repercussions. As much as I’d like to kill the fuck he was still her father so my hands were somewhat tied.

I had the tapes from tonight in my possession but I haven't listened to them as yet because I don't want any interruptions when I finally do listen to them. She might need me and I didn’t want to there to be a chance that she’d come looking for me and overhear them.

I can't go to sleep because I have to keep an eye on her I think she's fucking traumatized. Not to mention the fact that I'm too fucking fired up to even think about sleep. I have to get my head straight so I can decide what my next play’s gonna be.

He obviously didn’t believe me when I said I’d hurt him if he fucked with her so now I have to send his stupid ass a message, one that he won’t misinterpret and won’t soon forget.

Then there’s her state of mind. I have her here now but what about in a couple days when things have calmed down? Will she want to return to him? It wasn't going to happen, no matter what she wasn't going back, ever, but would she want to?

I wasn't worried about school, getting her paperwork was no problem, and I'd already put a man there to keep an eye on her, though her father would still have access to her being her guardian of note.

That thought struck me again, the one about marrying her to get her out from under his thumb, but was I ready for that, and more importantly, was she?

It would be child's play to get a protection order against him, I had the necessary contacts to pull that off, but then she would have to deal with the signing and all that and I didn't want her going through any more than she already had. I ran through everything I could think of to protect her keep her safe. The one sure thing I kept coming back to was to keep her with me at all cost. It was the only way I could see where I could be sure that nothing else befell her.

I headed back to the bedroom and watched her as she slept, so beautiful, so peaceful, and so young.

What the fuck are you doing Thorpe? Have you lost your mind?

I’d taken one look at this girl and set out to own her. I hadn't stopped to think, I just saw her, wanted her, and went after her. Had I known the baggage she came with would I still have pursued her?

Fuck yes, only I wouldn't have waited so long. My waiting could’ve cost me her and that thought scared the fuck out of me. That she could’ve been lost to me before I’d ever had the chance to know just how fucking perfect she is.

I put any lingering doubts aside as I climbed onto the bed with her. Combing her hair behind her ear with my fingers I drew her head onto my chest.

She sighed and cuddled closer, sighing my name in her sleep. That right there was enough to tell me that I’d done the right thing, that come what may, I will keep her with me, and that no one would ever hurt her again.

I had one of the best night's sleeps since I was a kid. The weight of her on my chest felt like she belonged there and when I kissed her brow gently it felt like the most natural thing in the world. I laid still breathing her in, enjoying the feel of her against me, willing myself not to turn her on her back and fuck her the way I imagined doing since the first day I laid eyes on her.

Not yet, she was in no way ready for me, I have to ease her into that side of things. Didn’t want to scare her by moving too fast, besides I wanted to court her, and ain’t that a kick in the fucking balls? Think of something else quick Thorpe before you fuck this up.

I wondered if I should keep her home just for today, maybe her father would try something stupid since he'd proven that he had no sense. He couldn't possibly if he’d decided to take me on.

Then again he couldn't have known I would find out, he had her terrified of him so he wouldn't expect her to tell me what he’d done. She has been hiding the shit her whole life after all.

Who knows what the fuck else he would’ve done if my men weren’t there to stop him? Okay I need to get up, I was either gonna try to fuck her or lose my shit thinking about that dumb fuck. She wasn’t ready for either show.

I looked over at the bedside clock it was six o’clock. Damn I haven't slept this late since I started the business, looks like my Blossom was good for me in more ways than one.

I eased out from under her still not sure if I should wake her or not. She needed her school things shit, I hadn't thought of anything else but getting her out of there last night. What the fuck!

No problem, I needed to see one Cliffy Sanders alone anyway, I didn't need to hear the tapes for that he'd done plenty already.

I couldn't just leave without her knowing though so I had to wake her after all. She would freak if she knew where I was going so I wouldn't tell her, just make some shit up if it came to that.

"Blossom, wake up…come on baby open your eyes." I kissed her temple as I ran my hand through her hair and hugged her close. The feel of her warm soft body was a temptation that I fought to ignore, only a bastard would take advantage of her in this state.

"Gideon..." She reached her arms around my neck pulling me closer. The move was both innocent and seductive in turns. I gritted my teeth as her plump breast pressed into my chest.

Seventeen Thorpe, you have to wait, you have to wait. Just one kiss, if I burn in hell so be it. I covered her mouth with mine as she came awake her eyes widened in surprise before she settled and returned my kiss.

My baby isn't a kisser even there she was mine, untouched. Fuck yeah. It’s going to be a joy to introduce her to the delights of the flesh, but not now, though my body had other ideas.

I pulled tenderly away so I could look into her eyes. "Do you want to stay home today or go in to school?"

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