Page 13 of The Billionaire

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It seems his hatred of her far outweighed his fear of me, or my retribution. I turned and left the room with her still in my arms. She won't be needing anything here after today.

Downstairs my man was still standing guard over him, I wanted to plow my fist in his face but that would mean putting her down which I wasn't ready to do.

I sufficed myself with giving him a glare, in that look I told him everything he needed to know. His tyranny of her was at an end, now mine of him will begin.

"Leave him." I walked out of there and to my car, my men followed behind after I had secured her in the front seat. The piece a shit came outside but kept his silence, wouldn't want the neighbors to hear what was going on. I could care less about his reputation, but her I will protect, his time will come.

It burned a hole in my gut not to put a bullet in him right then and there but she came first. I had to get her the fuck out of there and to safety, only then will I think of what to do with him. I could give my men the order to take care of him but this was personal. He’d fucked with mine after I’d warned him, that’s an affront, an insult that will not and cannot go unanswered.

I didn't look back at him as we drove away, just took her hand in mine, kissed her palm, and took her home.

She curled into a ball in the front seat of my car, not saying a word just crying her heart out. I thought of settling her down at home and going back there to beat the crap out of him. I don't remember ever feeling such violence against another person in my life and I’ve done some violent shit.

When we reached my place I faced a moral dilemma, a first for me. Should I lead her to the guest room or have her stay with me? I had no intentions of touching her, not yet, but I didn't want her to spend the night alone, not feeling the way she was.

I parked in the underground garage and came around to let her out, she climbed into my arms like a child; broke my fucking heart. How could anyone hurt such a sweet, loving heart as hers? The tears were finally gone but she was still sniffling as she once again buried her face in my neck.

I used the card to access my private elevator thankful that I had privacy. I tried putting her down but she just clung tighter and made a distressed sound. "Ssh-ssh, it's okay baby, I've got you."

I kissed her brow as the elevator climbed to the penthouse, since she refused to release me I guess I had my answer. She didn’t want to be alone.

I walked to the master suite and placed her gently on the bed. She was already in her pajamas and all she had on her feet were socks so I just placed her under the covers.

"Look at me baby." I pushed her hair back from her face so I could look into her eyes. Her beautiful eyes that were now red from too much crying.

"You want to tell me what happened sweetheart?" She shook her head and buried her face in the pillow. There was no need to push, I'm sure my guys had a recording of what had gone on in there, I just wanted her to talk.

"Okay, we'll talk about it tomorrow when you’re ready.” I took some time to formulate my next words in my head. This was it the point of no return and I knew that no matter what she was staying with me. I just hope she wanted that too, it would be fucked to start our new life together on a bad note, but there’s no way I would ever let her go near him again.

“Do you know what's going to happen next Ashley?” She turned over and looked at me, her eyes puffy and red, she looked like a lost little girl, and I could kick my ass for putting her in this position, for not following my gut the one time it counted the most. I was so cocky, so sure of myself that I had foolishly put her in danger, now I will have to fix things.

"You're going to stay here with me."

"For tonight?" Her voice was so sad and so unsure, how will I ever undo the damage he’d done to my sweet girl? Killing him won’t fix that. It sure the fuck would make me feel a fuck of a lot better though.

"I was thinking more like...forever, if that's what you want." No matter what she says she’s not going back.

"But what about my dad, isn't he going to make trouble for you? I don't want you to get hurt because of me." She seemed afraid all of a sudden, holding onto me even tighter. What the fuck?

"Hurt how baby?" What the fuck had he said to her?

"Just be careful okay, don't go see my dad anymore, and if it's okay I want to stay here with you, but how?" Her words were all rushed and jumbled together but I got what I wanted. I’ll deal with her fears later, I’m not afraid of that fuck but I guess for her he was the scariest thing she knew. Fucking monster.

"Don't worry about it I'll take care of everything."

I stayed with her holding her hand and playing in her hair until she fell asleep with tear tracks on her face. This one was on me, but Cliff Sanders was still going to pay for making her cry.

I held her onto her a little longer before kissing her lips softly and leaving the room.

"Sam, I want those tapes before you call it a night." I kept my voice low in case she awakened and came looking for me.

"Sure thing sir uh, I think you should know he called in reinforcements. I don't think he's aware that we have ears on him. I'm not sure how he thinks we came to be here, but so far he's still speaking freely. Should I leave Bruce here or should we call it a night?"

"I got what I wanted out of there for now you can bring in the Intel in and call it a night." I hung up the phone, reinforcements huh, probably his partner in crime Stark. Good, I hope they talked very freely then I could kill two birds with one stone.

I walked back to the bedroom to check that she was okay; she was sleeping peacefully curled up on her side. I kissed her brow and pulled the covers higher up around her shoulders and stood over her just looking at her.

I can’t believe she was really here, even with the events of the last few hours it seemed unbelievable that she could really be mine. If I stopped to think about it I’d probably think I’d lost my damn mind. I shook my head even as the smile broke out across my face. Whatever had brought us here to this moment she was mine, this beautiful unbelievable creature was truly mine. “I’m going to make you so fucking happy Blossom, see if I don’t.”

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