Page 12 of The Billionaire

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I wanted to plunder and devour but reminded myself of my promise. Not until after her birthday, Damn I hope I can last that long. She drew forth such strong emotion in me I wondered how I would keep myself in check when already I wanted her so badly it was like a gnawing pain in my gut that would not be assuaged until I had her for the first time, and perhaps not even then.

"Sir we're here." Dammit, not enough time, never enough time. I held her away from me holding her little face in my hands.

"You call me if you need me do you hear me Ashley?" Fuck I don’t want to leave her. Beg me to take you home with me baby, just say the fucking words.

She looked at me questioningly, with a light frown until she got my meaning. I saw shame and embarrassment cloud her face and wanted to walk into that house and beat the shit out if him, soon. That's another promise to myself he'll pay, not only for what he had done to her all her life, but also for what he’d intended.


It was with a heavy heart that I left her there. I'm not usually one to go against my instincts, and it bothered the hell out of me, that now, when it was most important, I had no choice but I couldn't just remove a seventeen year old girl from her fathers' house on a whim.

He was the only family she had and she had no idea what he really felt about her, well maybe a little bit but I don’t think my baby really understood all that was at play here. What child can accept that he or she isn’t loved unconditionally by their own parent?

I will eventually have to tell her these things but our relationship was too new. For all that the attraction between us was very strong I’m still relatively a stranger to her. This was the man who’d been the only constant in her life, and no matter his treatment of her, I was sure my Blossom had strong feelings for him, it's just who she is.

Back at my place I paced the floor in worry while sipping a snifter of cognac. I found myself checking my phone every five minutes to see if she'd called and I somehow missed it. I had eyes and ears on the house so that gave me a peace of mind but still every second that she was in his presence was like torture. I wanted to just go over there and take her, bring her home. But I was afraid of alienating her; what if she blamed me?

I need for our relationship as unconventional as it already is to go smoothly, that wouldn't happen if I acted on the caveman mentality that she seems to draw forth from me. Being with her this afternoon had only solidified my feelings, that this was right, that we were right society be damned. I will let nothing and no one stand in my way, least of all her bastard of a father.

I hate the position I must take, knowing what I know about him and about his plans for her future. I hope he took my threats seriously, because I would have no problem destroying him if he harmed one hair on her fucking head. As for his sick twisted plans against his own flesh and blood, I could only be thankful that I came along when I did.

The mere thought of it was sickening to think that anyone could think to do such a thing to their own flesh and blood was beyond the realm of human decency.

I have to stop thinking of these things, for now anyway, otherwise my well laid out plans would go up in smoke. I have to tread very carefully. When she does eventually come to be with me here, or in our new home, which I’m hoping she would help me pick out sometime in the near future, I want it to be a happy occasion, and not because I had to drag her from the clutches of her deranged father.

I tried losing myself in work, the work I had put aside to take her shopping today. She was such a delight, found such pleasure in the littlest things. I wouldn't let my mind go to the fact that she was this way because Cliff Sanders had deprived her for so long, when I think of her being a small child at his mercy my stomach hurts.

Fuck, I can't do this. She'll just have to be mad at me for a while, the more I think of it the more I feel like an unfeeling cad for leaving her there. I was hounded by an unsettling feeling in the pit of my gut, had been fighting it ever since I drove away and left her there. Please don’t let her hate me for what I’m about to do. “I’m coming Blossom, for better or worse you’re mine now and I take care of my own.”

I was pulling on my jacket when my phone finally rang, without even looking I knew what it was, my heart raced and my blood ran cold. "Thorpe."

"Ah sir, there seems to be some sort of altercation taking place in the residence should we intervene?"

"Yes, subdue and contain, I'm on my way." This is your fault Gideon, you knew what type of man this was and still you let her go there, how could you? I will have to beat myself up later right now my only thought was getting to her. I didn't call my driver, I took the Aston out myself I needed speed.

I reached the house in less than fifteen minutes, as I walked up to the door I could hear her father railing against my men. I kicked in the door and walked in on my worst fucking nightmare.

One of my guards had the asshole sequestered in a corner of the room while the other sat on the stairs with a crying Ashley. Without uttering a word I walked over to the stairs and picked her up. Her little body was trembling uncontrollably and I wanted to commit murder. I had to shake the blood from my eye before I could see to her. I took deep calming breaths so I wouldn’t scare her anymore than she already was before kneeling at her feet and drawing her into my arms.

I checked her over for any sign of physical harm but there was none evident. I took a sigh of relief at least she'd been spared that, I hoped.

"What happened here Ashley?" I kept my voice level though the rage threatened to choke the fuck out of me. I can’t end her father in front of her. That’s what I kept repeating to myself as I awaited her answer.

She was crying too hard to answer so I turned to my men, they would’ve everything that went on inside the house. "What happened?"

"We heard breaking glass and screaming then crying, we weren't sure what was going on so we called you."

"Thanks guys! Did you hit her?" I looked at the man whose neck I imagined wringing.

"I didn't touch the little bitch."

I made to step towards him until I remembered I was holding her in my arms. She cringed at his outburst and I drew her closer to my chest as if to shield her from his words. How many times had he called her that and worst? The stupid fuck; not now Gideon, take care of Blossom first, deal with him later.

Without another word I turned and walked up the stairs with her still clutching me as if afraid I will leave her. Never a fucking again, at least I had the asshole to thank for giving me this golden opportunity. I kissed her brow and gently passed my lips across hers. “Which room is yours baby?"

I spoke softly as if to a child, she had yet to say a word and I had no idea of the extent of his latest attack and how traumatized she might be.

She pointed out her room to me and then buried her face in my neck. It's when I opened the door that I saw the destruction. Everything I’d bought her had been either broken or torn to shreds. This too was my fault, she'd tried to warn me, but I stupidly believed that my threats would keep him in check.

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