Page 50 of Shadowed Past

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“You’ll just have to do your best,” Thrax told him. “We’ll get you from the building to the ship as fast as possible. All right?”

“All right.” A look of grim determination came over Kier’s face. “I’ll keep it together somehow. I’ll do anything to get away from here!”

“Then come on,” Andi whispered. They had finished unstrapping him by now. Of course the big warrior was completely naked and they had no clothes to offer him, but Kier didn’t seem to care. He stepped away from the wall, nearly stumbling in his haste to get free of the machinery which had milked him so cruelly for so long.

They headed for the door but then Kier stopped.

“Wait—my fellow prisoners…” He looked around the room at the males who were mostly still sleeping. “We can’t leave them here,” he said to Thrax. “It’s cruel.”

Thrax frowned.

“Fine, but they have to steal their own ships. I don’t think we can fit them all in one.”

“I’m sure they can manage—we talk sometimes and I know at least two of them are pilots,” Kier assured him. “Please—let’s let them go.”

“Someone needs to be getting the ship,” Andi protested. “I want to let them go too, but we need to be ready to fly as soon as we get out of here.”

“I’ll go,” Kier offered. “I know the locking mechanisms on their ships backwards and forwards. I can steal one and get it primed for flight.”

“What about your Beast coming out in the moonlight?” Thrax asked.

“I can control it.” Kier straightened up to his full height—which had to be nearly eight feet tall, Andi thought. “I feel stronger now.”

“All right then, you prep the ship and we’ll follow as soon as we’ve freed everyone else,” Thrax told him. He looked at Andi. “All right with you?”

Andi nodded.

“Fine—as long as we hurry! We need to get out of here.”

“I’ll go for the ship right now,” Kier promised. He headed for the metal door at the back of the round room and slipped silently through it into the night.

“All right,” Thrax muttered to Andi. “Now let’s make this quick. I’ll start at that end and you take this end.”

“Got it.” Andi nodded and was about to head for the nearest prisoner when a brilliant light snapped on, nearly blinding her.

“Well, well,” a familiar voice said. “And what have we here?”



Thrax turned quickly, squinting in the sudden brilliance. He managed to make out two familiar figures—Queen Pantyitch and his old Mistress were standing there in the door of the milking room and neither of them looked happy.

“Just what do you think you’re doing here at this hour?” Queen Pantyitch demanded.

“I’ll tell you what they’re doing—they’ve stolen our prime stud. Look—the Kindred giant is gone!” Mistress Stoneheart’s voice was cold with fury.

Though he didn’t want to react, Thrax felt his insides turn to ice. In the past, when he had been at her mercy, that tone of voice almost always meant he was heading for a session with the pain whip or the branding irons.

He straightened up and forced his voice to come out clear and strong.

“We didn’t ‘steal’ anything—we rescued the innocent male you’ve been sucking dry like a couple of fucking vampires! He’s coming back home with us to the Kindred Mother Ship where he belongs.”

“The Kindred Mother Ship? Is that where you’re really from?” Queen Pantyitch demanded. She was wrapped in a sleeping robe and her face was going dark with fury. Luckily, neither woman appeared to be armed and they didn’t have any guards with them either.

“We’re Agents of the Warrior Location Agency,” Andi said, clearly deciding that secrecy didn’t serve them anymore. “If you mess with us, you’re going to have the entire Mother Ship to deal with.”

“So you’re not even a married couple, is that right?” Mistress Stoneheart asked, narrowing her eyes at them speculatively. “You just work together?”

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