Page 9 of Savage

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My phone buzzed, and I looked down and saw a text from Phoe declaring aid would arrive soon. I had no sooner read it when I heard voices coming down the alley at the side of my house. Resigned, I swallowed a groan as I recognised them.

I sent Phoe a message challenging her idea of help and opened the garden door. Silvie wheeled her way in first. Okay, she was welcome, but four-year-old Halona and five-year-old Eagle and Kite were not. Where Apache was calm compared to his son Ace, Silvie’s and Apache’s kids were a fuckin’ handful.

I noted they were already in swimsuits, and the twins shot past me with a chin lift reminiscent of their father and bombed the pool. Halona yanked on my shorts until I crouched, and she gave me a kiss before chasing her brothers.

Silvie sighed as she moved her electric wheelchair around me. Silvie’s youngest son, two-year-old Kai, chased after his siblings.

My stomach dropped further as Vivie and Lex’s triplets waddled past me, Everleigh copying Halona’s actions. Vivie followed, collapsed in a chair, and released a soft moan.

“Little fuckers,” she said, and her swearing in a French accent made me smile—as much as I didn’t want to.

“Hey, brother,” Maverick, Fish, and Marsha’s five-year-old demon spawn son, stated, offering me a fist. When I gazed at him in horror, Maverick smirked and headed for the pool.

“Love you ladies, but no, not him!” I spat out.

“Little shit,” Vivie agreed.

“Fish claimed Maverick was sick this morning. Yeah, until I heard him telling Eagle and Kite how to fake throwing up. Fish is going to tan his ass when he gets home,” Silvie stated, looking weary.

“You’ve had him all day?” I asked in horror.

Everyone in Rage thought Maverick was a fuckin’ psychopath. Not even Dante fully controlled him, and Dante was a fucker himself. Drake and Phoe’s seven-year-old son was a little bastard, an image of Drake. Axel and Apache often commented that Dante had been cloned and not birthed.

“We had Gauntlet, Tye, and Carmine all on him this morning and one by one, they fell by the wayside,” Vivie said and groaned as she rubbed her head.

“We three ain’t enough to handle that fucker!” I snapped.

“Reinforcements are here,” a girl called as she headed through the gate.

A sigh of relief hit me as Ace and Artemis’s nineteen-year-old daughter and her twin Falcon entered the yard. They were the two people who had control of Maverick outside of Fish and Marsha. Mainly because they were so badass, not even Mav wanted an ass-kicking from them.

“Thank fuck!” Silvie sighed and relaxed in her chair.

“You want a sun lounger?” I asked, knowing how much pain Silvie was often in. There were tight lines around her mouth, so I knew she was silently suffering.

“If it’s well cushioned, Savage, I wouldn’t say no,” Silvie murmured as she spotted Isla and Harper exit the changing room and see the other children. The two little girls froze, their eyes wide as the Hellions wrecked my pool.

“Hey, come over, and I’ll introduce you,” I called to them.

Isla ducked behind Harper as Halona twisted her head and caught sight of them. Halona was out of the water before anyone could blink and rabbiting away.

“I’m Halona, that’s Mommy and my Aunt Vivie. Aunt Vivie is having another baby. I’m not meant to know, but I listened to them talking. My brothers are Eagle and Kite.” She pointed. “And that’s my niece and nephew, Nova, and Falcon. These are my friends. I’m younger than Nova and Falcon, but my big brother is their dad, which makes me their aunt. It’s funny. What’s your name?”

Harper looked stunned, but Isla instantly responded. And before I knew it, all the kids were in the pool, splashing each other. Nova and Falcon were also in there, ensuring no little shit drowned another. I noticed Falcon watching to see if Harper and Isla could swim. I wasn’t worried about the Hellions and Princesses; they were thrown in the pool at Rage to the tune of sink or swim.

They soon learned to paddle. Although I’m freaking sure that everyone had prayed Maverick drown alongside Dante at times. Nah, I didn’t mean it, but if those kids came with an off switch, it would be great.

The noise rose in my backyard as Vivie and Silvie settled into a couple of plump sun loungers I’d bought. Knowing that Silvie might be a guest one day or I would host a pregnant old lady, I’d purchased six of them and they’d been extremely expensive. But seeing the relief on Silvie’s face as her slight body was cushioned softly made the cost worth it. Everyone in Rage hated Silvie’s condition, and we all prayed she’d recover. I’d heard mention of a possible operation that could possibly help her and had my fingers crossed she’d get better soon.

Apache was an asshole, but ever since Silvie had begun suffering from her SPD, Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, he’d been worse. He’d first smothered Silvie with attention and then insisted that she’d be waited on hand and foot by everybody. One wince, and he’d swoop and carry her home. Silvie had nearly bashed his brains in before he’d finally settled, but everyone could see how he hated her being in pain.

Two hours passed, and then an arm appeared over the gate and unbolted the lock, and Tye and Gauntlet let themselves in. They were carrying several bags of food and took them into the kitchen.

“Apache, Fish, Marsha, Ace, and Artemis are coming later. Phoe and Drake said they’d stop in on the way home. We brought steaks and barbeque shit for the kids. Also under orders to help watch Maverick,” Tye grunted, looking pissed.

Gauntlet grinned and settled down. “Abbi and Faelea are also joining us.”

“Which means I’m cooking with Harley,” Tye complained.

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