Page 42 of Savage

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“Never. You’re my uncle, not letting you go without a fight,” I denied.

“Jess. Hurts. Numb. Tired,” Earle said, his eyelids fluttering.

“I know you are exhausted. But we’ll get you better and then you’re coming home with me. No, I’m not arguing; there’s too much distance for me to actively look after you. And Uncle Earle, this is my girlfriend. She has two little girls. Grace wants to get to know you, so you have to move to Rapid City,” I bribed.

Earle’s gaze roamed around until he landed on Grace. His eyes widened, and his half-crooked grin appeared again.

“Pretty. Too good, you,” Earle teased.

“Hello, Uncle Earle,” Grace announced with a beautiful smile. My heart warmed as Grace took his left hand and held it.

“Unc’ called me,” Earle responded.

“Yeah, Grace did call you Uncle Earle. Grace says she doesn’t have an uncle, nor do her girls, so she’s going to steal you,” I explained.

Earle managed a weak chuckle and then closed his eyes. A few minutes later, he opened them again when Drake, Apache, Texas, Gauntlet, Jett, Gunner, Harley, and Doc Gibbons walked in.

“Party?” Earle asked.

“Not yet, when you’re better,” I answered. I introduced them, and Earle nodded at each name. Faces now matched the names he knew from stories.

“Dyin’,” Earle slurred to Doc Gibbons.

“Not if I have anything to do with it. You’ve plenty of life remaining, Earle, but your care here has been lacking. We’re making arrangements to send you to a hospital for a scan of your brain. Earle, I hear you had a bad fall the other day and hit your head. That idiot out there never sent you for a scan, which I believe caused your stroke. A brain injury. I’ve already ordered some different medications for you. Your blood pressure is very high, which could cause another stroke, and you’ve been prescribed blood thinners for no reason. Which increases the risk.”

I stiffened. Was Doc Gibbons saying what I thought he was?

“So from now on in, nobody will give you meds unless I approve it, Earle. I’ll also be checking the other medication you have been taking. Because I’m not convinced you need all of it,” Doc Gibbons said.

Drake cocked his head towards the door, and I hesitated. Grace gave me a little shove and took my place at Earle’s side.

Earle’s watery blue eyes, once so sharp and sparkly, smiled at her.

Leaving Earle in Grace’s sweet hands, I followed Prez. Outside, there were a couple of staff members, but they were ignoring us for now.

“Doc’s worried. He thinks Earle’s care has been mismanaged for a good while. Doc can’t find any medication reviews in Earle’s file, and it’s far thinner than it should be. Earle’s last check-up was four years ago.”

“No. I receive a report each year saying Earle is fine,” I replied to Drake.

“They’re faked, brother, I reckon. Doc’s going through Earle’s records and has confiscated them. Doc has reported Doctor Turner to the state medical board. Phoe has Steven working to get Doc named as sole carer, and he’s already applied for privileges and received them at Kings Daughters Grayson. That’s a heart hospital, but they have everything Doc needs to check Earle properly,” Drake said.

“They’ve been feeding him shit he didn’t need?” I asked. My temper was beginning to boil.

“Doc doesn’t know that for sure. He’s gonna run checks, but we gotta move Earle now. Doc has called for an ambulance, and they’ll transport him so he can do what’s needed,” Drake explained. “You gotta hold it together until we get the necessary information.”

“Fuck, I thought he was safe here!” I snarled and caught the eye of several of the nurses. They quickly left upon seeing my expression.

“Don’t jump to conclusions until Doc finishes his report. Trust Doc to take care of Earle. Brother, he said it would be a long struggle, and Earle was very sick. He’ll do his best, but he can’t make promises.”

“Yes, I understand,” I growled out as I caught sight of the care home manager disappearing into a hallway. Yeah, they better run.


Earle was asleep when the ambulance came, and I was worried when he didn’t stir as they transported him to it. Doc Gibbons was barking orders, and Savage was about to burst out of his skin with worry. I felt completely useless, but Savage kept a tight hold of my hand, so I guessed I was providing some comfort.

Savage wanted to go with Earle, but Doc had forbidden it. He had said when the testing was done, Earle would likely be brought back here, but that wouldn’t be tonight.

Drake made the decision for us to get a hotel because hanging around Earle’s room when he wasn’t here was pointless. And Drake pointed out when Savage began to argue that the girls and I needed to eat and get settled.

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