Page 36 of Savage

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“If you hadn’t worn a helmet, you wouldn’t be here,” Drake said bluntly, and there it was. The truth of the matter. Head injuries would have killed me.

“Was it a deliberate hit on me?”

“Not that we or RCPD can see. Lucas took the case and is investigating, but it does seem like a simple accident,” Drake replied.

“Some asshole not watching and ran me off the road,” I suggested, and Drake’s chin lifted. “At least I’m alive.”

Drake nodded at my words.

“Okay, what’s up? This feels very stilted and formal. What am I missing?” I demanded.

“You never changed your name legally. I had to speak to billing about charging the club direct. There’s no Jesse Walker anywhere,” Drake said, and I frowned.

Shit, I hadn’t considered that. My body stiffened.

“Did they get my real name?”

“No. Doc Paul put it through on the Rage account. But we need to sort something out with your name,” Drake pointed out.

I glanced across at Phoe, and Drake snorted.

“Jeez, Savage, you honestly think you got any secrets from Phoe?” he asked.

I let out a huff as Phoe merely smiled sweetly and shook my head. Drake wouldn’t have told her, but I would bet my bike that Phoe had got Artemis to do some digging. And I’d not lose my Harley because I knew I was right.

Drake smirked even as Phoe dropped her chin and studied her nails.

“I prefer the name Jesse,” Phoe murmured before winking. “Much better than Buck.”


“Your secret is safe, Savage, but you should tell Grace. She deserves the truth,” Phoe prodded.

“Grace and I aren’t together. We’re neighbours, nothing more,” I denied.

“Not what that kiss you shared in the hallway indicated,” Phoe replied, grinning.

“Grace told you?” I blurted and cursed myself when Phoe’s smirk grew bigger.

“Hell no, I watched it on camera. Mac was telling Slick, and I overheard and made him play it back. Now I keep asking Drake why he can’t give me a remake film kiss like that.”

Drake glowered at Phoe and then turned to me. “Savage, some words to the wise. If Grace is your one, don’t fight it. Just let shit flow. Because the drama that always follows when you fight against destiny isn’t worth it.”

“Nothing’s happening,” I insisted, but the words didn’t mean what they should because thinking of that kiss warmed me from head to toe. And after all, Grace had her history. Could she see past mine? Only one way to know.

As I was thinking, I caught Drake and Phoe exchanging a smug glance. I hated to make them right, but love wasn’t anything to be ignored. Gah, this was driving me nuts!

Chapter Eight.


I was trying hard not to smile as Grace fussed around me. As soon as I’d been discharged the day after my accident, the women descended. After I bellowed several times at them, they finally left me alone. But not before filling my fridge, freezer, and cabinets. Oh, and they cleaned from top to bottom, put fresh sheets on even though mine were only two days old, and they’d even hovered and polished and done all my washing.

I’d sent my brothers a text telling them to keep everyone away, or I wouldn’t be responsible for the murder I was planning. However, that hadn’t reached Nancy, who’d let herself in an hour ago, made me a coffee, and dropped off some cookies. As I ate my fourth, I decided they were pretty damn tasty. Therefore, I was quite mellow when Grace knocked and walked in.

“Hi,” I said, with a sloppy grin as she sat down.

“How are you feeling?” Grace checked me over with clear concern.

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