Page 33 of Savage

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Giving her a nod, I sat and waited for the club to arrive. And arrive they did—every brother and every old lady. The older teens knew the drill and headed to the clubhouse to watch over the children who’d be dropped off there. The prospects would wait until the older kids arrived and then come, too. But Wild, Cowboy, Harley, Tye, and Carmine would have to remain to protect Rage. The others would probably be riding already. Shit, we needed to give them their colours; they’d more than earned it and were long overdue.

It was just whenever we planned shit, something with fuckin’ Fury happened and distracted us all.

To my surprise, an old lady appeared with purple hair and spoke to the desk, and then she sat down. She pulled out some knitting and began working on a scarf.

“Has anyone told Grace?” Summer asked as she leaned against Irish. Summer’s little baby belly poked out, and I smiled as Irish patted it absently. Slick stood to the other side of them, his arm wrapped firmly around Summer, who seemed perfectly happy where she was. It was an odd relationship, but it worked, and all three appeared satisfied. Well, as happy as Irish could be, the women didn’t show much emotion.

“Why?” I asked.

“Savage is interested in her,” Dana pointed out, having arrived and now wrapping herself in Ezra’s arms. A more recent pairing—and one I couldn’t be happier about.

“The prospect is?” I exclaimed, surprised. Damn, I’d not noticed anything during the cookout.

“Yes,” the old lady spoke up. “And Grace likes Savage too, even though she is fighting the attraction.”

“Who are you?” I questioned rudely.

“Their neighbour, I learned about the accident on the police scanner and drove over. I’m Nancy McKinnon,” Nancy announced, reaching out a hand.

I shook it, shocked at how firm her grip was.

“You’ve got a police scanner? That’s so cool,” Summer whispered.

“That’s nice of you,” Dana said sweetly.

Nancy nodded. “Savage is a decent man, a little closed up and uptight, and he needs the stick removed from his ass, but he’ll do for Grace. Of course, Grace needs her blinkers taken off and her own stick removed.”

The girls giggled, and I found I couldn’t disagree. I peered up as Mina rushed in and rose to my feet. Savage was her alternative, and they’d grown pretty close. Wild-eyed, Mina looked around and spotted me.

“Savage is fine, Mina. It was a bad accident, but the news so far is good, and he’s awake and alert,” I soothed, rubbing her shoulders. Mina folded into my embrace, and I wrapped my arms around her.

“When I was told Savage was…” Mina choked up.

“Savage won’t be taken out by a car swiping him,” I reassured her.

Mina shuddered in my arms, and I remembered she was pregnant.

“Let’s sit you down, babe; where’s Hunter?” I asked, moving Mina gently into a chair.

“On his way. Hunter had Demonicus and Zdrakias with him, so he’s taken them to Rage first,” Mina replied, rubbing her stomach.

“Do you need someone to check you over?” I worried as Mina made a face.

“No, I’m just uncomfortable, Drake. But that woman is staring at me,” Mina whispered, and I turned to see Nancy openly watching.

“Can I help you?” I demanded, moving to protect Mina. Even though Mina didn’t act anymore, she was instantly recognisable.

“No, but I must ask. Is Savage the father?” Nancy asked bluntly.

“No!” Mina gasped just as Hunter arrived and dropped a peck on her.

“Babe?” Hunter pulled back, thinking Mina was rejecting his kiss.

“Not you. You, kiss me. I was telling this lady that Savage is not the father,” Mina explained. Despite where we were, I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped at the outraged expression on Hunter’s face.

“I’m her husband and the father,” Hunter announced stuffily.

“Good, I didn’t want Grace to be in the middle of a shit show,” Nancy retorted.

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