Page 32 of Savage

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“Yes. However, Sandie has been working voluntarily in an admin position recently, and now I realise why. I apologise, Mr Walker, for disturbing you. You can be assured I’ll deal with this,” Gayle stated.

“You better. I want nothing to do with that murdering bitch or her family. Keep them away from me, Miss Rochester,” I said, and cut the call.

Sleep was far from my mind, and the conversation had unnerved me. Memories swirled; none were welcome, and I punched in a phone number.

“Yo,” Drake muttered on answering.

I didn’t hesitate and blurted everything out.

“Got a run you do can. It’s just Hellfire and back, not too far. If you’re tired when you get there, Chance will give you a bunk,” Drake offered, knowing instinctively what I needed.

“Thanks, Prez. No way could I have settled with this being dragged up,” I replied, relieved.

“Got your back, brother,” Drake said and ended the call.

Grumpily, I swung out of bed and dressed, stamping into my boots. So much for sleep; all hints of sleepiness had fled. My gut turned in anger, and my head was a mess. The open road was the solution I needed.

With raw emotions clawing at me, I left the house and bumped straight into Nancy.

“Not got time,” I grunted out.

“Can see that, son. Ride carefully,” Nancy said, moving aside and letting me pass. Shit, the expression on my face must have been terrifying, judging by the look the old lady gave me.

I moved swiftly, hit my Harley, and, swinging a leg over, I settled myself before starting the engine. Moments later, I pulled off my drive and rode towards Rage, ready to collect whatever Hellfire needed.


After a couple of hours shooting the shit with Chance and a few others, I decided to return home. The need to sleep was creeping up on me, and I knew I’d end up sleeping at Hellfire tonight if I didn’t move.

It was on the I-90 just outside of Black Hawk when the accident happened.

A car swerved out of its lane and hit my bike head-on. The last thing I remembered was soaring through the air while my Harley veered off in another direction.


Gut churning, as it always did when I had to come here, I stormed into the hospital. The nurse on duty spotted me and beckoned me over. I strode towards her, not willing to deal with crap.

“Savage,” I demanded.

“As soon as I saw his cut, I realised Rage would be here. Currently, your brother is in a bay being checked over by doctors. I’ve also alerted doctors Paul and Gibbons because that’s who you prefer. Savage looked in a bad way, Drake, but he was breathing and stable. The road rash will be nasty, though,” the nurse explained.

Mildly surprised at the flow of information coming my way, I nodded. Usually, we had to kick off some shit to get info. This made a nice change.

“What happened?”

“Savage was sideswiped and sent flying by a car. He was wearing a helmet which was damn lucky because his brains would have been splattered everywhere. That saved his life,” the nurse continued.

“Thank fuck,” I muttered. It was something I’d lately started to insist on. I was relieved the prospect had listened. Of course, our older brothers didn’t want to use a helmet, but it made sense with what was happening around us.

“Was it deliberate?” I asked, suddenly making the nurse jump.

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head. “Not heard anything like that.”

“Is Savage awake?”

“Yes, but you can’t enter while he’s being assessed, Drake. As soon as Savage is free, I’ll fetch you,” she said.

I reined in my temper. The nurse was being nicer and more forthcoming than most of the bitches who worked here.

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